Building a Healthy Heart with Fitness and Nutrition

By | February 26, 2015

fitness nutrition and heart health

Having a healthy body and a healthy physique should also include heart health.

Cardiovascular care starts from within, with proper nutrition, and is completed from without, with physical activity.

The cardiovascular system circulates the blood throughout a network of vessels all through the body. This circulation provides oxygen and nutrients to individual cells and it helps dispose of metabolic wastes. The heart is the tool that pumps blood through our bodies.

Physical Activity

Physical activity raises your heart rate and in turn, it gets your blood pumping. This releases endorphins, so it makes you feel good. It also helps increase your body’s ability to remove waste.

Exercise does many things for you, aside from heart health. It helps trim your waist. Waist size has been directly tied to increased risk of heart disease. Exercise keeps you filled with energy, it helps you sleep better, it keeps your body fit and tone, and it increases flexibility.

The Mayo Clinic recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly. Combining the two is fine also. Spread the time out throughout the week, taking one day off to give your body a rest if needed.

Proper Nutrition

The other big key to heart health is to eat right. The proper diet can help you lower your cholesterol, maintain a healthy weight and even control blood sugar levels.

The path to a better diet starts with a few ideal eating changes:

  • Eat more healthy fats, such as Omega 3 fatty acids. Healthy fats can be found in nuts, avocado, fish and flax.
  • Get more fiber. You’ll want to get your fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains.

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Cut back on these things:

  • Don’t snack very often, and when you do pick healthy snacks, like fruits and vegetables. Cut back on sugar intake.
  • Opt for white meats and grilled foods instead of red meats and fried foods.

One easy trick to remember when it comes to heart healthy food options is that fresher is better, and boxed foods should be on the list of don’t eat often. Pre-packaged foods are full of extra sodium (salt) which is not very heart friendly.

Getting healthy doesn’t have to be painful and it can help make your life a bit more painless. Cardio health will help you live longer. A healthy heart means more energy, and more time to spend with friends and family as you add a few more years to your lifeline.

Whether you are looking to increase your own heart health or you want to help others, careers in Global Cardio Care can be life changing, for you and your patients. Global Cardio Care blends both personal care and patient care for state of the art heart health.


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  • Estruch, R., Ros, E., Salas-Salvadó, J., Covas, M. I., Corella, D., Arós, F., … & Martínez-González, M. A. (2013). Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean diet. New England Journal of Medicine, 368(14), 1279-1290. link

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