L-Theanine Benefits for Weight Loss

By | October 20, 2016

L-theanine green tea

What is L-Theanine?

L – Theanine is a natural substance primarily found in black, green and white teas. This is an amino acid compound really good for the health that many people still have not known yet.

There are many studies from scientists at Oxford University indicated that Theanine stimulates brain’s alpha waves, these are electrical impulses generated by the brain in a state of relaxation but still stay awake. The studies also showed that a single 50mg dose of Theanine (found in 2-3 cups of tea) increases the activity of alpha brain waves which are responsible for imagination, visualization, memory, learning, and concentration.

Theanine is a catalytic compound supporting metabolism and also is a secret agent helping to improve brain’s activities and increase concentration during 5 hours after taking. It helps to offer a mental relaxation while still stay awake, get creative inspiration, help to find new solutions.

Nowadays there are many people using teas for weight loss purpose due to L- Theanine found in teas. Even there are many types of high en diet pills on the market also having L- Theanine added in their ingredients to support for weight loss such as: FenFast375, PhenBlue, Phen24, …

Benefits of L-Theanine

Provided by: Wikipedia

Provided by: Wikipedia

L-Theanine has many benefits for weight loss. Let’s see more about what are these benefits:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety

L-Theanine helps to stimulate the temper and relaxation of the brain roughly equivalent to meditation sitting

You need time to follow a weight loss process, and you need to maintain regular workouts besides having healthy foods. If you always feel tired or stress, you are easy to give up and have no efforts. Giving stress and tired away will help you a lot to maintain a long-term plan to lose weight healthily and effectively, and of course you can get the best result.

  1. Help to lose weight and control your blood pressure

L-Theanine stimulates metabolism and burns fat in the body, thereby helps to lose weight and lower cholesterol level in the body

  1. Increases cognitive abilities

Many studies indicated that L-Theanine increases brain’s efficiency operation

  1. Improves your mood

L- Theanine helps the brain to relax, release stress and get well-being feelings as well as great excitement

  1. Enhances concentration and good memory

L- Theanine helps to increase dopamine level in the brain, thus helps to increase concentration and improve memory, and remove distractions.

The advantage of L- Theanine combines with caffeine helping to take stress away, stimulate creation and enhance concentration.

  1. Increases energy level

L – Theanine helps you to increase energy level. You have full of energy to do exercise regularly without being tired. Thereby it promotes the efficiency of weight loss

  1. Helps to treat sleep disorders such as insomnia

Insomnia badly affects to weight loss benefit, it makes you feel hungry and you want to eat more. Adding L-Theanine is one of the best methods to deal with insomnia.

L-Theanine also has sedative benefit which helps to resist to simulation while absorbing too much caffeine into the body

L -Theanine may detoxify caffeine toxins: Some weight loss products have caffeine that helps to lose weight and burn fat. Using caffeine moderately is definitely safe to the health, however some people are sensitive to caffeine and may get insomnia if using. Due to the combination with L-Theanine, the caffeine toxins will be reduced while the positive benefits will be increased

The best way to supplement L-Theanine

The best way to supplement L-Theanine for the body is using weight loss teas such as Kou Tea, Green Tea, Matcha Green Tea, …

In order to use tea healthy and effectively, you should follow some principles as followings:

  • Hot tea is much better than cold tea since cold tea may cause air stagnation, harmful to your health
  • Avoid having tea for medicines since it may affect to medicine’s benefits
  • Avoid having tea that took so long because some vitamins in tea would be decomposed and badly affected to your health
  • Do not drink tea right after meals, take a cup of tea 30minutes after eating is better for your health
  • Pregnant should not take a lot of tea, just a cup of tea per day is enough

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Also, depending on your need to lose weight gradually or quickly, you can use diet pills having L-Theanine and other supplement products to get the best benefits.

The article is provided by safehealth.online, if you are having issues regarding to weight loss, you can look for more useful articles on our website. We are a great team, passionate about providing useful information to public health. There are many topics you can find on safehealth.online such as: Rheumatoid arthritis, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, obesity, weight loss, etc…

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