How to be Prepared in the Event of Injury

By | September 11, 2017

car accident

In life, things don’t always work out quite how you expected to. Sometimes events occur that can affect your physical ability to work. That is why having emergency savings is so important. You don’t want to be blindsided by an unexpected turn of events that mean you cannot work. You also don’t want to be put out onto the street just because you have a reduced income. Preparing for the unexpected means acknowledging the worst that can happen and being ready to act accordingly. Here is how to prepare for the unexpected and make it through life in one piece:

Be Proactive with Your Safety

Accidents and injuries can be very costly and can leave you with lasting pain and side effects. Save yourself the pain and instead be proactive with your safety. Being proactive means being on the lookout for potential dangers and either avoiding them or rectifying them. Here are a few examples on how to be proactive with your safety today:

  1. Proactive Driving

Proactive driving is taught in many driving schools. It means watching out for common driving behaviors that lead to accidents. Examples of this include looking under the wheels of the car for feet so that you don’t hit a careless pedestrian walking in front of a car onto the street. This tip is very important in areas where children are likely to be playing, as children can be too short for you to see over the head of the car. Other examples include checking your mirrors often, and watching for erratic behavior from other drivers. Put your foot over the break when you see potential danger so that you are better prepared to react in case of an emergency.

  1. Watch for Accidents Waiting to Happen

Though it is impossible to stop every accident from ever happening, simply keeping an eye out for dangers-to-be s a good way to stay safe. For instance, a knife could be too close to the edge of the counter and could fall at any moment, cutting your foot, your pet, or anyone else in the vicinity. Or, perhaps, an open window is letting rain in and getting too close to a plugged-in appliance. There are too many examples to name, but keeping an eye out for potential dangers is the best way to stop an accident before it happens.

  1. Don’t Rush

Though it may seem hard not to rush when you are late somewhere, try not to. Rushing is what leads to carelessness, and carelessness is what causes most accidents and injuries. The most common car accidents, after all, occur when the vehicle is parked in your driveway. Rushing drivers close the door on their appendages, or they hit their head when they are getting into the car. Not rushing means being careful with your safety and reducing injuries and accidents.

Start an Emergency Fund

The best way to prepare for the unexpected, however, is to have an emergency savings fund. Being proactive with your safety can help reduce the amount of damage and injury you incur in your life, but it is not foolproof. If you don’t have any savings like most Americans, you can follow this helpful guide to help you get started:

  1. Make a Detailed List of What You Spend On

When it seems like you spend all your income on your monthly expenses, it can seem impossible to find money to put away. To start, make a detailed list of what you purchase between paychecks. Once you have that list, you will be able to make smarter decisions about what you spend on and how you spend.
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  1. Spend Smarter

The first thing you need to do is cut out non-essentials. The second you need to do is try to make the essentials, cheaper. This could mean buying frozen instead of fresh food. It could mean relying more heavily on coupons. It could even mean trying to reduce your utilities bill. The exact means you can reduce your monthly spending will depend on your location, needs, and lifestyle. When you get your next paycheck, deposit all the money you have leftover into your savings.

  1. Make Your Savings a Monthly Payment

Conversely, if you find it hard to not spend leftover money, you can instead deposit an amount into your savings directly after cashing your paycheck. This way, the money will be out of your reach and it will force you to spend less during that month. 

Know How to Recover from Traumas

The second way to prepare for the unexpected is to know how you will personally recover from it. Having an emergency fund gives you time to emotionally and physically cope after an unexpected accident or loss.

  1. Recovering from an Accident

Accidents are what cause us physical pain. They are what can land us in hospitals and they are what can leave us with lifelong injuries. The key when you have been in an accident is to get all the medical help and post-care therapy that you can. For instance, car accident treatment can mean the difference between being your normal self and being crippled, either physically or emotionally.

  1. Recovering from a Loss

There are many kinds of losses that a person can endure. You can lose a job, you can lose a home, you can lose a loved one. However, you cope with your loss needs to be healthy. This means you should keep yourself open and not push away your loved ones. If you need to and can, look to therapy to help you cope. There are support groups if you can’t afford a therapist as well.

Preparing for the unexpected means knowing how to react when the worst happens. It means having a financial buffer so that you can deal appropriately with the accident or injury – so you can heal, or grieve, or find a new solution. Know how to react, what to do, and have the financial security to get the job done. Being prepared means you will get through the event better, less stressed, and be able to move on faster.

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