How to Effectively Treat a Wound

By | October 3, 2017

treating injuries

How you treat a wound following a cut or scrape will determine the healing process. It is therefore essential to care for the injury right away, which can prevent infection. For this reason, we recommend reading our helpful guidance on how to effectively treat a wound.

Apply Pressure to the Wound

Following a cut or scrape, we recommend washing your hands before pressing a clean cloth or bandage against the wound. The applied pressure will stop the bleeding, as it can promote clotting in your blood. If you have experienced a wound on the hand, arm, leg, or foot, it is possible to stop the bleeding by raising it above your heart. For example, you could lay down on a bed and prop your leg on a pile of pillows.

Rinse the Wound with Clean Water

It is vital to remove any particles from the wound to prevent infection. We recommend washing around the wound with soap, warm water, and a clean cloth, before gently patting the wound and surrounding area dry. If there is hard to reach debris in the cut, sterilize tweezers with rubbing alcohol before gently extracting the unwanted foreign particles. However, never attempt to remove an embedded object from a wound. Instead, seek medical attention for a safe removal with minimal damage to the injury.

Apply an Antibiotic Cream

If possible, we recommend applying an antibiotic cream to the affected area once it is clean and dry. Follow the application instructions inside the packaging or speak to a pharmacist or medical practitioner for advice. Also, consult a doctor before applying a medication if you are pregnant, nursing or providing treatment to a child.

Add a Bandage Over the Wound

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Prevent additional dirt or bacteria from entering the wound by covering it with an adhesive Tegaderm film, which can offer a moist environment to support wound healing. What’s more, the waterproof dressing will adapt to a patient’s body for greater flexibility and comfort.

Monitor the Wound

It’s important to regularly review a wound to ensure it has not become infected. If you are unsure if you have an infection, look out for the various signs, such as swelling, redness, gradual pain, pus, and a fever.

Seek Medical Attention (If Required)

If you believe a wound could be infected, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. Anyone who has a serious cut or scrape should not hesitate to visit an emergency room for treatment. Have a loved one drive you to the emergency room or telephone the emergency medical responders.

You will require immediate medical attention if you have cut an artery. You will have cut into an artery if blood pumps out of the wound every time your heart beats. A failure to contact emergency responders could result in you losing too much blood. You must also seek medical help if the bleeding fails to clot after a few minutes of applying pressure, or if a foreign object is embedded inside the wound.

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