Does Metabolism Affects Muscle Growth?

By | May 21, 2019

weight training

Having a fast or high metabolism means you have a high basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR tells you the number of calories your body burns to keep you breathing, maintain your body temperature, and keep your blood properly circulating. When you burn more than average calories during these normal bodily functions, you are considered to have a higher BMR, and this state makes it difficult for your body to gain muscle mass. You are therefore considered a hard gainer. A simple rule to gaining muscle mass is that you have to create a growth stimulus and feed your body with sufficient nutrition. The most challenging part about building muscle mass for a hard gainer is ‘adequate nutrition.’ Here are ways to ensure you gain muscle mass when you have a high and fast metabolism.

Eat Enough Protein

The recommended protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, but if you do weight training or you are trying to gain muscle mass, you could do with more protein. Try to get between 15 to 25% of your daily calories from proteins. You can achieve this by consuming whole source proteins in every meal. Some of the best proteins to help you gain muscle mass include chicken breast and thighs, salmon, tuna, sardines, yogurt, whole eggs, cheese, milk, steak, and mackerel.

Eat more calories

People with a fast metabolism, burn calories very fast, making their bodies low on energy. It is difficult to gain muscle when you have an energy deficit, and the solution to this is that you have to eat as much as you train your muscles. Figure out how many calories you eat daily then scale it up by 500 calories or more, to prevent your body from going low on energy.

Eat more often

When you start consuming more food, you will likely feel full all the time. To prevent this, spread your meals out over 5 to 8 small servings throughout the day. You can divide them into five complete meals and three snacks. Breaking down your food into multiple meals and snacks will make it easier for you to eat and digest, without feeling sick.

Eat carbohydrates

Carbohydrates should form at least 60% of your calories every day. Avoid processed carbohydrates and go for healthier options like pasta, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa. Healthy carbohydrates do not have a high glycemic index, which means they do not cause your blood sugar to escalate. However, they take longer to digest, but you can opt for fruit juices high in carbohydrates instead.

Add healthy fats to your diet

Fats contain nine calories per gram, making them an excellent dietary addition for someone who is trying to add weight. Try only to consume monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These healthy forms are not stored as body fats and can be used for energy. Examples of monounsaturated fats include avocados, egg yolks, seeds, and nuts. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3, 6, and 9, which also contribute to general body wellness. Add a serving of either of these to all your meals, to boost muscle growth.
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Liquids are easier to digest than solids. When you eat blended food, you do not get awkwardly full, and it gets digested quickly so that you can consume more calories. Liquids that are excellent for mass gain include shakes, smoothies, whole milk, and fresh juice. Do not forget your water, for the much-needed hydration.

Muscle building workouts

As you attempt to build muscle mass, cardio exercises like running and swimming might be counterproductive. Instead, lift weights so that your body can build muscle with the high number of calories you are consuming. Resistance training or weight training exercises are your best bet. These types of exercises not only trigger the growth of muscle mass, but they also increase your appetite, so you get to eat more. For optimal results, focus on compound exercises for every muscle group because they create a buildup of growth hormones and testosterone, therefore stimulating muscle growth. Repeat between 8 – 12 times on every workout set of compound exercises to specifically target muscle growth. You should also focus on exercises that target the maximum number of muscles at once. Chin-ups and bench press make the best exercises for the upper body while deadlifts and barbell squats are perfect for the lower body. Also, avoid doing the same compound exercises on consecutive days so that you do not strain the muscles too much.

Post-workout regimen

During a workout, your body sends extra blood to your muscles. When you are done working out, you should take advantage of this extra blood flow to provide the much-needed nutrients to your body for muscle recovery. After your workout session, consume carbohydrates and proteins. Proteins This puts your body in an anabolic state to help it rebuild stronger muscle and repair damaged muscle while carbohydrates replenish the energy you burned working out. This is also the prime time to consume weight gaining drinks.

Track your progress

Record your weekly progress to see if you are making good progress towards your goals. Weigh yourself on a scale twice a week at the same time, ideally first thing in the morning when you wake up. This will give you accurate readings because your weight changes throughout the day. Aim to gain at least 0.5kg in a week. If you do not gain weight after two weeks, despite being consistent with your calorie intake, add another 500 calories, and track the progress.

Your metabolism rate does affect how fast you gain muscle mass. Gaining muscle mass while your metabolism is high can seem like an uphill task. Besides eating well, eating more often and weight training, you need to be consistent and patient. Do not quit when you do not see visible results after two weeks of nutritious eating and working out. It might take longer than you anticipated. Use the tips discussed above to form a daily habit of what to consume to help your body muscles grow. Reward yourself for every milestone, as a way of staying motivated. Your reward could be anything from buying yourself a book or treating yourself at the spa.

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