Having Trouble Waking Up On Time? Try This!

By | June 25, 2019

sleep and good health

We all have trouble getting out of our comfy beds in the morning and tend to snooze our alarms more often than not. We’ve all been there; we wake up groggy, cranky, and basically, have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Luckily, there are tips and tricks you can do that allows you to wake up early in the morning without a hassle. Read on below to figure out how you can adjust your sleep schedule so you can wake up refreshed in the morning. 

Stick to a Sleeping Schedule 

Even though a biological clock is quite annoying on weekends, waking up naturally will completely brighten up your day. In order to adjust your biological clock, stick to a sleeping schedule every day. Figure out how many hours you need, they could be 7 or 8 hours and aim to fall asleep early so you can wake up naturally. If you stick to it regularly, your body will take charge on its own. 

Don’t Hit Snooze 

You might think that getting those extra 5 or 10 minutes of sleep after your alarm goes off will help. It won’t. And it can make you feel worse than if you woke up right away, leaving you more disoriented and groggy than ever. These ‘few minutes’ of extra sleep is called sleep fragmentation and it gives you daytime sleepiness, decreases your performances, and makes you fatigued all day. 

Keep Alarm Out of Reach 

To avoid hitting the snooze button several times, try keeping your alarm at a remote place. Close enough to hear, though, but far enough that you’ll have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will make you more alert and it will increase your chances of waking up. Another way to go is to set multiple alarms around your room until your body’s internal clock is adjusted. 

Wake up and Smell the Coffee 

Needless to say, a cup of Joe in the morning is bound to boost your energy levels and keep you alert. You can set your coffee machine program to start making your coffee around the time you wake up so a freshly brewed pot is ready for you. Too lazy? Prepare your coffee before you sleep and keep it in a thermos next to your bed! 
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Use Sleeping or ‘Waking up’ Aids

Many smart drugs today can help keep you alert in the morning. Prescribed drugs like Modafinil or Provigil are used to give you cognitive benefits like the ability to concentrate and increase productivity levels. It’s considered one of the most popular nootropic drugs out there. However, there are rumors surrounding this drug, claiming that it’s dangerous and highly addictive. Yet there has been no proof of addiction which so far proves that you can’t overdose from Modafinil. It’s still recommended to use it wisely and consult your doctor at all times. On the other hand, your body produces melatonin naturally at night, a hormone that helps you sleep. When sleep is at bay, this is when it’s recommended to take a small dose of melatonin to help you sleep. 

Make it Shine 

The body naturally wakes up faster if exposed to light. The first thing you should do when you get out of bed is to open your curtains and get as much natural light in as you can. Natural light keeps your brain alert. Or get a sunlamp that can be set to specific timings if you have to wake up around dawn.

Develop a Fun Morning Routine 

You’ll wake up better in the morning if you have something to look forward to. Be sure to incorporate fun little things that will keep you awake in the morning. A good book to read on your balcony, a podcast to listen to, a TV show to catch up on, or even a morning jog in the fresh air. Whatever the activity is, it’s bound to put you in a better mood and make you ready to start your day.  

Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

Waking up early is as hard as falling asleep for some people. But with these tried and tested methods above, you’re bound to not only fix your sleeping habits and patterns but also you’ll brighten your mornings as well. Set a routine and adjust your morning habits, and you’ll definitely won’t have any trouble waking up. 

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