Acne Causes and Treatment with Topical Tretinoin

By | September 16, 2019

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What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition that a lot of people especially teens suffer from in today’s society. Your skin is pruned to acne when part of your hair follicles becomes plugged with oil and other dead skin cells. It is common to find acne on the face, forehead and even a person’s chest, upper back and their shoulders.

How do you know you are suffering from it?

It is quite easy to identify someone who is suffering from acne or to know if you are suffering from it or not due to its symptoms. Thus acne usually appears in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, some even appear to be small tender bumps while others are large, solid and quite painful.

What causes acne?

There are several factors which can cause you to have acne but generally the ones which easily cause them to include; excess oil production on the affected area, the bacteria sometimes causes it too and also when one’s hair follicles become clogged on their dead skin cells. Now acne often affects one’s face, chest, shoulders and back because they usually produce a lot of oil otherwise known as the sebaceous glands which are connected to the hair follicle.

People who suffer from acne sometimes have low self-esteem and always feel like they are not beautiful or handsome. Though acne can be very persistent, there are drugs, creams, and gels that can help to get rid of the acne when you use for a particular period of time.

What acne treatment can you use?

Topical tretinoin is an acne treatment made dominantly out of vitamin A and comes either in the form of gels or creams. The gel and cream help to treat, reduce and prevent acne when used regularly and you can find them in 15 or 20g.
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The topical tretinoin gels and creams are quite safe to use and have been licensed by US physicians. The treatments help to speed up the natural exfoliation of the skin; exfoliation occurs when the skin sheds dead cells which are a major acne cause in order to develop more healthy cells while breaking down old collagen so new ones can quickly be released. This process helps to keep the skin pores clean, clear and fresh. The gels and cream are also quite effective at getting rid of comedonal acne which usually appears in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, and bumpy skin, the treatment gradually forces out the stuck oil, bacteria, and dirt that clog on dead skin follicles which is the main source of inflammation.

How effective are they?

While using this treatment, you can expect the acne to get cleared within 3 to 6 months of consistency but you can start noticing changes within 2 to 4 weeks of usage. The ability of it to work within the stipulated time frame depends on how severe the acne is.

What are some common side effects?

For its side effects, some people experience itches, skin darkening or lightening. For some, the acne becomes worse than how it used to appear become it starts clearing off while others can experience some skin peels or irritation.

Who can use it?

It is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant, someone who always has allergic reactions, skin cancerous individuals, or anyone taking vitamins/supplements or herbal products.

The gel which has a lot of alcohol in it is recommended for those who have oily skin while those with dry and aging skin should go for the cream because it is more moisturized. But always seek the approval of a dermatologist before using any of them.

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