What Factors Contribute to Sleep Deprivation?

By | April 16, 2020

sleep deprivation

Are you aware of how dangerous sleep deprivation can be? Many Americans overlook the importance of sleep and this can cause challenges when it results in sleep deprivation.

This is what happens when you consistently fail to get enough sleep each night. When you’re sleep-deprived, you think, move, and act slower than you would if you were rested.

To put things into perspective, there are 91,000 crashes involving drowsy driving every year. This is a large figure and it’s particularly troublesome because drowsy driving is fully preventable.

If you want to avoid driving while fatigued or suffering from the effects of poor sleep, then you’ll need to know what factors contribute to sleep deprivation. We’ll take a look at four of the biggest contributors below.

Poor Sleep Patterns

Something that you might deal with is poor sleep patterns.

If you go to sleep at roughly the same time every night, then you develop a healthy sleep pattern. On the other hand, sleeping at inconsistent times will create a poor sleep pattern.

This is a tricky topic to address because you might enjoy staying awake. For example, you might stay up late every night to watch TV or play video games. Over a week, you might go to bed later and later each night.

By the end of the week, the time that you fall asleep will be drastically different than when you started. This will affect your quality of sleep and makes it more likely that you don’t get enough of it.

You might also be a light sleeper or someone who wakes up often throughout the night. This results in disrupted sleep, which is also of poor quality and not as effective at restoring your body.

If you don’t have a consistent sleep schedule, then you might have a poor sleep pattern.

Demanding Lifestyles

Another reason for sleep deprivation is a demanding lifestyle.

If you’re particularly busy, then you might not have enough time to get adequate sleep. Some people have so many obligations to tend to that sleep gets pushed to the back burner.

For example, imagine needing to attend classes while also working a full-time job, raising a young child, and being in a relationship. In this scenario, many things might demand your attention and sleep isn’t likely to be a priority.

This tends to be prevalent in younger adults and those that are trying to start their own business.

Younger adults don’t have good time management skills and the ability to turn down opportunities that they can’t handle. Entrepreneurs will devote much of their time to their business, neglecting sleep to do so.

There’s also the possibility that you don’t think sleep is necessary. You might think that sleeping is for retirement, but it’s also necessary to get you there.

With too much on your plate, it’s easy to become sleep-deprived because of your demanding lifestyle.

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Medical Conditions

Sleep deprivation can also be the result of a medical condition.

If you’re lucky, then you’re someone who has no issues falling asleep. Any time that you need to go to bed, you’ll be asleep within 15 minutes of your head hitting the pillow.

Unfortunately, many people do not enjoy this luxury and suffer from sleeping problems instead. There are many types of sleeping disorders, a few of them including insomnia, sleep apnea, and night terrors.

Sleeping disorders directly affect your ability to sleep and make sleep deprivation more likely. However, you can also deal with a non-sleep related medical condition that also affects your sleeping. This might include conditions like depression, arthritis, asthma, and anxiety.

If you have any medical conditions that affect your sleep in any way, then they can be a contributor to sleep deprivation.

Newborn Children

Finally, having a newborn child will almost surely make you sleep-deprived.

If you’re a parent, then this is something that you’ll know well. On the other hand, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise when you do eventually become a parent.

Young children have erratic sleeping and eating habits that don’t conveniently align with when you want to be sleeping. When babies are hungry, their response is to cry until they get what they want.

This translates to a crying baby throughout the night that will wake you up often. As a result, you won’t get much sleep and the shut-eye that you do get will be disrupted and low-quality.

Sleep deprivation with a newborn is hard to avoid, but it will get better with time. Until then, you’ll need to find ways of fitting in naps throughout the day to compensate for lost sleep.

If you’re a recent parent, then a newborn child may be the cause of your sleep deprivation.

Closing Thoughts

Sleep deprivation is what you’ll experience when you aren’t getting enough sleep every night. The consequences of this can be quite dangerous, especially if you get behind the wheel of a car.

When you’re sleep-deprived, your judgment and motor skills are impaired. This makes you less effective and less competent at any task that you might try to complete.

A few contributing factors to sleep deprivation include poor sleep patterns, demanding lifestyles, medical conditions, and newborn children. Dealing with one or more of these problems will make sleeping incredibly difficult for you.

Because sleep deprivation is so costly, do your best to get the sleep that you need! Sleeping is one of the best things for your body, so give it the care that it deserves!

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