7 Common Post-Workout Mistakes to Avoid

By | May 12, 2020

post workout mistakes

After you have completed a full workout, felt the burn, and hit your goals, many people can be forgiven for thinking the hard work ends there.

The truth is that if you are going to get the best results, protect your body, and increase your stamina and regeneration rate, then there are still a few things you should be doing. If you are looking for ways to get better results from your workout, and want to recover quicker, then you need to read this list of the top seven common post-workout mistakes that could be keeping you from achieving your goals.

You’re Not Stretching and Cooling Down

If you aren’t stretching and doing some ‘cool down work’ after working out, then you aren’t giving your body what it needs to recover completely from the stresses and strains of the gym.
Yoga is a great solution to this, and can also help calm the mind after an intense workout. Cooling down is as important to your muscles as warming up; you should spend a similar amount of time on each.

You’re Not Hydrating Enough

Even if you are not working out, water consumption is important. If you are regularly exercising, then water consumption is of paramount importance. Sports drinks, tea, and coffee don’t do the job nearly as well as water, so don’t rely on them. Drink plenty of fresh water to replace what you lose in perspiration when you work out. It will cut down on cramping.

Don’t ‘Treat Yourself’ After Your Workout

After burning all those calories and doing all the hard work, people go out and get themselves a fatty or sugary reward, undoing all their efforts. Self-discipline is one of the most important and challenging aspects of working out.

You’re Not Getting Enough Rest

Sleeping is as important to the body as eating, and your muscles need restful and comfortable sleep if they are going to recover properly.
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A mattress that is too soft can be bad for posture and comfort and will prevent you from getting deeper and more restful REM sleep. Have a look at the best mattresses for athletes and gym-goers, and think about investing in your sleep and muscle recovery.

You’re Not Fueling Your Body Properly

Your diet is incredibly important, whether you are working out regularly or not. Your body is going to need a range of nutrients and vitamins to recover from exercise. Too many people rely too heavily on protein (often vegetable or whey protein) in their diet without balancing it with meat proteins and complex carbohydrates. Always have a well-balanced diet and consider keto diets to help lose weight while working out.

Don’t Drink Protein Shakes and Energy Drinks

These two products can be lethal to your fitness goals. Neither one does a good job of rehydrating you after a workout, and both have questionable benefits and poor nutritional value.
Your body’s metabolism needs to digest proteins and complex carbohydrates to get the nutrition it needs. Drink water after working out, and rely on animal proteins like meat and wholegrain foods to give your body what it requires to recover.

You Aren’t Being Consistent

If you want results, you are going to have to be consistent. The most important thing to do after a workout is to do it again soon, either the next day or the day after if you need a rest day. The biggest reason people fail to achieve their health goals is a lack of persistence. You have to keep going to get to where you want to be.

If you can avoid these common post-workout mistakes, you should be able to reach your fitness objectives sooner than you may think. Look after your body and it will give you the results you are looking for.

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

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