How to Get the Best Out of Green Borneo Kratom

By | July 20, 2020

green Kratom

Green Borneo Kratom comes from the leaves of a Southeast Asian grown tree known as Mitragyna Speciosa. Many compare kratom to coffee, and that is a fair comparison since it is considered to be part of the coffee family. However, it offers far more benefits and effects than coffee does.

This specific kratom krush strain, Green Borneo, is grown and cultivated on the island of Borneo. Now, there are many users that have a hard time enjoying its full positive effects.

In this article, we will tell a look at the negative side effects that some users experience and how to make it a much more positive experience. We will also guide you on the best dosage recommendation for this strain.

Is Green Borneo more white, red, or balanced in its effects?

If you are knowledgeable and experienced with kratom, you’ll know that Red Borneo is a mix of both white and red strains. Red strains are known to be far more sedative and relaxing, as well as are great for minor and chronic pain. pain. Read more to know more about their impact on health. White strains are more energizing and mood-boosting. Green strains are the best of both worlds with typically more moderate effects.

Green Borneo is supposed to feel both relaxing and mood-boosting. However, this strain is often taken at much higher dosages and causes users to feel its red strain effects far more than white or balanced. This causes Green Borneo consumers to feel caught off guard and disappointed in its effects.

Negative Side Effects

More than any other kratom strain, Green Borneo seems to go astray for many who don’t take it correctly.

For regular kratom drinkers, their dosages tend to often be much higher than the beginner dosages. This is because its efficacy decreases over a long period of time of using it. This especially happens to those that drink it on a daily basis.

Anything in excessive isn’t good for you. Some users that take Green Borneo at higher dosages tend to feel more nauseous, sedative, and overly relaxed. They expect to feel more balanced and energized, but the high dosage quantity of Green Borneo is far more red in its effects than white or even green.

Positive Side Effects of Green Borneo and How to Enjoy!

You can most definitely feel the sought-after effects of Green Borneo. Some of the effects of this strain include:

  • Feeling of euphoria
  • Positivity and increase in mood
  • Some claim to experience better bowel movements
  • Relaxation

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Since Green Borneo tends to for more like a red strain, it can be great to use if you want to feel more sedated and have relief from chronic or minor pains and aches. It can relax your whole body and numb the pain receptors which is caused by the high alkaloid content in Green Borneo Kratom.

If you want to experience the best out of Green Borneo, it definitely matters where you’re buying it from. There are some amazing reputable vendors online that can get you high-quality kratom products.

They are available in capsules, tea/powders, and other forms, but the most popular method of consumption is the powdered tea as it’s more potent and you can control the amount you want to ingest.

Once you have Green Borneo in your hands, you can take this as a reference and guide as to how much to take:

  • For beginners- 1-2 grams
  • Moderate- 2-4 grams
  • High Dosage- 5-6 grams
  • Super High Dosage- 7 grams and above.

The more low and moderate dosage can give you a better feeling of euphoria for this one. Of course, the dosage amount depends on how much you normally take kratom, your weight, age, and more.

The higher and super high dosages are where you can potentially feel the negative and unwanted outcomes for Green Borneo.


Although Green Borneo is one of the most misused kratom strains that leads to unwanted or unexpected outcomes, you can most surely reap its benefits and positive effects at the recommended dosages for low and moderate amounts.

It is more of a red strain than white strain, but you can still get a euphoric feeling and have a mood boost on top of relaxing your body and mind.

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