Healthy Snack Options to Silence Your Cravings

By | August 26, 2022

healthy snacks

We all get snacky from time to time, whether because we’re hungry or because our cravings are taking over. Unfortunately, there are a lot more junk snacks than there are healthy options, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t healthy options out there.

Here are a few healthy snack options to suppress your cravings.

Kale Chips

If you’re craving chips but want to stick to your diet, kale chips are an excellent substitute. It’s tasty, easy to make, and good for you. All you need is some kale, a little oil, and some salt. Stick it in the oven or an air fryer for a little bit and you’ll have a crunchy, crisp kale chip that hits the spot.

Mixed Nuts

While nuts can be a little high in calories and fats, many of these fats are healthy, plus they’re packed with fiber and protein. They also come in a variety of different options, including pecans, pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts, cashews, and more. As long as you stick to a serving size, these are a pretty healthy and satisfying snack.

Cottage Cheese

Some people just can’t do cottage cheese, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but for those that enjoy it, it’s also pretty good for you. It’s full of protein and can be combined with some fruits, like strawberries or grapes, to make it even better.

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are perfect for those that want something crunchy, coming in flavors like chocolate, caramel, cinnamon apple, salted, and more. You can even add spreads onto them if you want to sweeten them up, such as jelly, peanut butter, avocado, honey, or just about anything else that sounds good to you.

Greek Yogurt

Most yogurt today is full of added sugar that essentially turns it into a desert, but there are still plenty of healthy yogurt options available. Greek yogurt is almost always a safe choice, and if it’s too plain for your taste, you can get it in a multitude of flavors or throw in your favorite fruits for extra flavor. Granola helps too, but it’s easy to go overboard with it.

Sliced Fruit and Veggies

You can’t go wrong with fruits and veggies. Apples, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, mango, carrots, celery, peppers, and more all make for excellent snacks. You can eat them by themselves or pair them with your favorite dip. It’s finger food made perfect!


You don’t have to go to the movies to eat popcorn, because it makes for a healthy snack any day of the week. Of course, you can’t cover it in butter and salt and still consider it healthy, but plain popcorn is still crunchy and addicting by itself.

Healthy Snacks for Any Occasion

These are some of the healthiest snack options that you can eat between meals no matter what the occasion might be. You can eat them on the couch as an appetizer before dinner, pack them for work—regardless of whether you work at a company like Votacall or as a trainer at the local gym—or just enjoy them as a late-night snack.

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