
By | June 21, 2013

hydroxycutI am happy to provide this commentary from those behind the Hydroxycut brand.

Perhaps the scoop with Hydroxycut Gummies is that they make a person feel like they are eating something that tastes great and taking a supplement that could assist them in losing weight.

A small disclaimer: There is no supplement that can take the place of a healthy diet and doing the right exercises. That is and has always been the key to weight loss. However, there are a few supplements that can help a person make more out of all the hard work they are putting in.

Let’s take a look at these gummies and see how they can possibly help with weight loss.

Hydroxycut Gummies Ingredients

The active ingredients are as follows:


  • Ladies Mantle Extract: This is derived from the plant’s leaves.
  • Olive Leaf Extract
  • Cumin extract: Made from the fruit of the plant..
  • Wild mint extract: Derived from the leaves of the plant.
  • Goji extract
  • Acerola concentrate
  • Blueberry
  • Pomegranate
  • Bilberry fruit extract

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  • Acerola concentrate
  • Blueberry
  • Pomegranate
  • Bilberry fruit extract

Each gummie is 15 calories and contains natural flavors and colors.  Dieters are instructed to take 2 Hydroxycut Gummies 30 minutes before each of their 3 daily meals. However, they are not candy. They are a dietary supplement and contain the active herbs listed above. Therefore, no more than 2 gummies should be taken in a four-hour period, or 6 gummies in a 24-hour period.

I like the fact that these gummies don’t contain caffeine like many other weight-losssupplements. People using Hydroxycut Gummies won’t have to worry about consuming caffeine.

Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials were conducted on the key ingredients in Hydroxycut Gummies. One had an 8-week duration and the other lasted for 12 weeks. At the end of the 8-week study the group using the key ingredients in the gummies lost and average of 16.50 pounds, while those in the placebo group only lost 1.73 pounds. Both groups consumed a low calorie diet.

At the end of the 12-week study those using the key ingredients in the gummies lost an average of 20.94 pounds compared to 1.70 pounds, which was lost by the placebo group. Again both groups were following  a reduced calorie diet.

The team behind the supplement donot guarantee that everyone will experience the same results since individual results can vary based on diet, exercise, and other factors. Yet, the results are pretty impressive.

Diet and Exercise Are Key

There is still no substitute for a healthy diet and a solid exercise routine. Products like Hydroxycut Gummies may help get an extra edge and enhance what you are currently doing, but they aren’t magic.

There are no magic pills or supplements that cause you to lose weight without you putting in the effort. If you’re looking for a weight loss supplement that can help enhance the effort you’re putting in, then Hydroxycut Gummies would be a tasty fit.

Sources: WebMd, Botanical.com

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12 thoughts on “Hydroxycut

  1. Sara

    Nice article. I actually use the gummies and they are great!

  2. Zac G

    It’s always a good idea to include supplements into your diet and exercise routine, after reading this I’m about ready to add these to mine.

  3. traci

    Great article! Gummies are a great way to make taking a supplement tasty and fun!

  4. Jeff Showalter

    Hydroxycut Gummies are amazing. They’re like the Flinstone vitamins I used to take when I was a kid, except they help me lose weight.

  5. Lea

    Sounds promising…I can’t wait to give it a try!

  6. K

    When I was in college I used to eat vitamin gummies instead of meals, so this really takes me back!

  7. Katie

    These gummies are great! I’m glad there is a product available that is caffeine free.

  8. Jessica

    This is a great article with good information about the product. I have learned things about Hydroxycut I didn’t know before!

  9. Jordan

    Awesome right up! The product seems great!

  10. Dave

    Hydroxycut Gummies are great, just like the rest of their products!

  11. Chase

    This is a great article, Its a way for you to lose weight and still enjoy a gummy bear! Awesome idea and first of its kind from what i have seen

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