10 Foods That Naturally Improve Your Physique

By | December 10, 2015

protein foods

A good, healthy lifestyle ensures good health. To increase muscles where they add beauty and shape to your body is a bit tricky.

The best way to do is to consume natural food instead of going for artificial products such as weight gainers. The natural way of gaining muscle mass will not affect your health and prevent you from several diseases in the long run.

So here’re some protein-filled foods for improving your physique naturally.

1.    Pea

This vegetable is a rich source of protein. It contains high levels of glutamine; a muscle-building compound. Nine grams of protein are present in a cup of protein. It is an easy-to-eat source of protein due to its mild taste and texture.

2.    Chicken

Who doesn’t love chicken! Chicken is another rich source for gaining muscle mass. It provides your body with amino acids.

3.    Whey

There are two proteins found in dairy products. Whey is one of them. It constitutes 20% protein in milk and supplies essential protein for muscle building in your body. One of the sources of this protein-rich food is ricotta cheese.

4.    Casein

It is the second protein-rich nutrient in dairy products. It constitutes 80% of milk’s nutrients and is found in Greek yoghurt and cottage cheese. If you eat it late at night, you’ll notice a significant improvement in muscle building and have a good sleep which will help you recover from exercise pains.

5.    Soy

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Soy is a plant-based protein which contains all necessary amino acids for your body. These are considered to be quite effective in building muscles’ mass.

6.    Beef

Scrumptious beef is another source of protein and amino acids such as leucine. It provides other complementary nutrients such as zinc and creatine. Enjoy beef in the form of steaks or roasts.

7.    Flaxseeds

Another important protein and complementary omega 3 fatty acids rich food is flaxseeds. These are known to aid protein metabolism in your body as well as increase muscle mass.

8.    Nuts

Nuts are known as the most nourishing source of food which increases muscle mass. Walnuts, almonds and nuts are few of the best sources of lean protein out there.

9.    Egg

Egg is considered as the most cost-effective and easy-to-reach source of protein. Most of the protein present in an egg is found in its yolk. If you do not have cholesterol problems, it’s best to eat an egg along with its yolk. No matter it’s an easy source of rich protein, you must not eat an excess number of eggs.

10.         Brown Rice

Brown rice contains around five grams of protein. It is best to eat it after you’ve done weight training. Not to forget, it’s the second highest in BCAAs.

However, with the addition of these nutrients in your diet, you should start working out as well. Your diet won’t affect you positively if you don’t work out every day. Moreover, working out in a comfortable outfit will increase your body muscle mass naturally without seeing your gym trainer. If you are thinking about hitting the gym, Fabletics provide the most easy-to-wear yoga and workout accessories.

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