How To Be The Best At Your Sport

By | January 7, 2016

being the best

When it comes to any sport, weekend warriors abound but there are several pretty good advantages to getting serious about your favorite sport.

From endorsements deals, branded merchandise, and awards to the simple pride of knowing that you can outperform anyone else in your sport, the benefits are numerous.

However, to be the best there are few key components that champions possess and these separate them from the weekend warriors.

1. Dedication

To be the best in anything, you have to be dedicated. Champions are doing the sport they love each and every day, rain or shine. No matter how much their body and mind may be telling them to take a day off or skip a training, they don’t listen and do it anyway.

The best are dedicated to their craft and let little stand in the way of them training and refining their skill.

2. Vision

Champions are constantly visualizing themselves as winners or achieving their goals. Despite setbacks or challenges, they stay focused on the vision they have for themselves and keep striving to make it a reality.

Even when all the naysayers tell them they can’t do it or that they should have more “realistic” goals, they don’t listen to those negative voices, but instead, stay true to the vision.

3.  Constructive Criticism

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While the best filter out negativity, they are smart enough to recognize constructive criticism and use it to make themselves better and stronger. Most champions work with a coach or mentor and it is vital to an athlete’s progression to listen to the coach’s criticism and learn from it.  A person that cannot do this or is always hurt or angry when they receive constructive feedback will never be the best at their sport.

A true champion realizes that they are not already perfect and that there is always room for improvement.

4. Support

Champions surround themselves with supportive people as well as people who will push them to be better. A little healthy competition is good and this is why the best often form groups of friends that are also striving to be the best in that same particular sport.

The team concept often works just as well in individual sports as it does for group sports. Your team is there to encourage you, support you, and push you to be better. Going it alone will only get you so far.

5. Humility

Truly great athletes  never those sight of who they are, where they came from, and the people that helped get them there. No matter how big the paycheck, praises, or endorsements, they remain grounded in the fact that raw talent will only get a person so far and they could lose everything tomorrow if they don’t remain dedicated and focused on their vision.

The star athletes that actually have longevity are the humble ones. The cocky and “full of themselves” athletes are usually here today gone tomorrow.  Staying humble can be tough when you are surrounded by people who worship you, but it is vital to long-term success.

If you are striving to the best in your sport, practice these 5 areas as well as your sport to help ensure your success in reaching your goals.

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