5 Star Arm Workouts

By | July 20, 2004

arm workoutNext to “six pack abs,” the one muscle group that almost every man and woman wants the most is arms.Most of these programs will surely make your arms as strong as they are going to look, but make no mistake – this is a collection of BODYBUILDING routines.

If you’re hung up exclusively on “functionality,” you can just skip this info (and go back to your medicine balls, bungee cords and wobble boards). If, on the other hand, you want a set of biceps and triceps that make you LOOK GOOD sleeveless, then this is going to be the most exciting training article you have ever read!

Now, a few important details before you start…

Training frequency

I recommend repeating these routines no more than twice per week and no less than once per week. Your frequency depends on the split routine you’re using. For most of these programs, I recommend a three or four day split with a 2 on 1 off schedule. If you feel you need more recovery, use a 2 on 1 off, 1 on 1 off or even an every other day routine, just make sure you hit your arms at least once per week.


Tempo is the speed of your repetitions. Tempo is noted in several of these routines with a 4 count prescription. For example, a 4020 tempo is performed as follows:

Eccentric (negative/lowering the weight) 4
Stretch/Pause between eccentric and concentric 0
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Concentric (positive/lifting the weight) 2
Contraction/pause between concentric and eccentric 0

If tempo is not noted, then you should simply use a “controlled tempo” with the eccentric (lowering weight) slightly slower than the concentric (lifting weight).


These routines must be performed with diligent progression from one workout to the next. You must add weight with every workout. Because the arms are a small body part, you may need to use “micro-loading,” which simply means you patiently increase the weight EVERY WORKOUT, but in very small increments. For example, most clubs have dumbbells with 5-pound jumps in weight. I like to use 1 ¼ lb. “plate mates” which are magnetic mini weights you can stick on the ends of each dumbbell (they work for barbells too), allowing you to increase in small, 2.5 pound increments (effectively giving you a 22.5 pound dumbbell, etc).

Put this theory into Practice by reading 5 Star Arm Workout Routines.

Tom Vanuto is an expert body builder/ trainer and the author of the best selling program Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. To check out his highly recommended program, Click Here.

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