What You Should Know About Weight Loss and Hiking

By | March 20, 2019


Of course you know that any kind of exercise is going to be beneficial when you are trying to lose weight, but you just aren’t into hitting the gym and you aren’t exactly thrilled with swimming in the community pool. A day at the beach might be nice, but with the nearest beach being hundreds of miles away, that wouldn’t be easy to do on a regular basis. All things considered, have you thought about hiking as the foundation of your weight loss exercise regimen? Here is some of what you should know about hiking in terms of losing weight.

Get Off and Get Out

One of the most amazing benefits of living in such a hi-tech world is the fact that the Internet makes it possible to accomplish so much in so much less time. For example, you are working as a full-time RN and also studying for a post MSN certificate online. Going from an RN to an MSN was possible because you could work and study at the same time without giving up that much-needed income.

Now you’ve decided to take the next step to become an FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner), for example, and it will mean hitting the computer again for hours and hours. That is an amazing opportunity, but don’t forget to get off (that computer!) and get out (into nature). Nothing can contribute more to weight gain than sitting for extended hours with no exercise and that’s what you’d be doing if you stayed connected for overly-long periods of time.

But, Why Hiking?

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Here is the important benefit of hiking you may not have considered. Yes, hiking is a type of weight-bearing exercise like walking and running is, and it is an amazing cardio workout as well. However, the thing about hiking is the fact that you won’t be required to go at such a fast pace that you don’t have time to literally stop and smell the roses! Hiking, unlike jogging or running is a bit more strenuous than walking but not quite as hard on the body as the running array of exercises. It can be, but it doesn’t need to be.

Mind Over Matter

You are committed to losing weight and you know that it’s going to take more than eating the right foods and getting an adequate amount of exercise. Unfortunately, when pounds aren’t shed as quickly as you had forecast, depression can set in. That can quickly lead to an episode of binge eating. We don’t call those tasty delights ‘comfort foods’ for nothing! Unfortunately, when dieting, they are anything but comforting when you get on the scales the next day.

Hiking does more than work the body, but it is also proven to affect mood and lift depression as well. Even more so than many other outdoor exercises, hiking is found to help elevate your spirits. You’ll be out in nature, off the beaten path and that is exercise for the body as well as the spirit. Want to diet effectively? Hike your way to success and see how enjoyable your weight loss regimen can truly be.

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