The Natural Remedies You Could Consider To Combat Hair loss

By | March 21, 2019

healthy lifestyle

Hair loss is something that happens to everyone throughout the course of their lives, whether this is due to excess stress in the workplace or it is hereditary, it is becoming more and more common. If you find that you are experiencing an abnormal amount of hair loss that cannot be treated by these natural remedies, then there are procedures such as the unshaven FUE hair transplant that can replace the lost hairs without causing too much disruption to the scalp and the remainder of the existing hair. Within this article, we have compiled a list of all the natural remedies that could help you to combat your hair loss with ease.

Keep Up The Water Intake

One of the many ways that you can care for your hair is by ensuring that you drink the recommended daily amount of water. As well as caring for your hair this will also help to flush your body of any toxins that are found within the body. This will help to promote healthy hair growth as it will clear the body of these harmful toxins and help promote healthy blood flow. As it flows around the body it carries the vital nutrients such as iron and vitamin D that the hair needs hair helping to prevent breakages. If these vitamins are missing from the body the hair then becomes brittle with a dry causing more breakages as a result.


In addition to increasing your water intake, you can promote healthy hair by exercising. This is beneficial for your hair as it cleans out the pores and allows for the sweat to be removed from the pores. By unclogging the pores you can help to ensure that the scalp has room to breath and does not become dry and develop dandruff as a result. By caring for your body you can feel better all around rather than just in the scalp. This will not only help you to feel more confident but will help you to maintain a healthy weight.

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Hair Care

If you are experiencing dry and damaged hair then it may be beneficial to look at the hair care that you are using and look at the ingredients. With chemicals such as sulphur and perfumes weighing heavy on the skin, this can lead to the scalp becoming incredibly dry. By removing all these elements from your hair care regime you can then begin to rule out the problems that are causing the hair loss. In addition to this, you could also opt for natural oils or egg wash to nourish the scalp and begin to balance the PH this will help particularly if you have an oily scalp as this will mean that you do not have to wash your hair as frequently, thus prevented damages and breakages.

Overall Diet

The final change that you can make to your everyday routine to benefit your hair is your daily diet. A few small changes to the food that you eat can help you to feel better within your self as well as feel the body with well-needed vitamins. This will then help to boost the strength of the hair from the inside out and ensure that your hair looks as healthy as possible. If you are on a specific diet then it is vital that you are getting the vitamins that you need from another source such as supplements or vitamin enriched smoothies.

If you feel as though you are experiencing hair loss that is well in excess of the typical 100 hairs per day then there is no need to panic, there are a number of natural remedies that are ideal for you and do not have to cost you a small fortune. Which option will you opt for?

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