7 Proven Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Well Rested

By | April 1, 2019


You can’t go on with your day without getting proper sleep, and some nights, you have to roll on each side and still find yourself unable to fall asleep. As a result, you feel exhausted and have no power to perform your daily activities.

Poor sleep is detrimental for your health, which is why you need to be successful in your attempts to adventure into the dream world. For that reason, we’ll cover some of the most important suggestions to improve the quality of your sleep. Most of them will also help you fall asleep faster.

1. Don’t Nap During the Day

One mistake that many people are doing is taking naps during the day, particularly long ones. While being tired and in need of a nap is totally understandable, it’s a no-no if you don’t want to fully disrupt your sleeping cycle.

If you must really nap, then don’t do it for more than 20-30 minutes, and definitely, don’t nap after 4 PM. Besides, a short nap should be enough to give you enough power to finish the activities for the day. Save the rest of the sleep for nighttime.

2. Don’t Drink Caffeine in the Evening

Sure, caffeine has a lot of benefits and coffee might put you in a good mood but drinking it in the evening can have a bad influence on your sleep.

Basically, drinking a coffee is going to help you gain some energy – this is why so many individuals find it hard to start the day without the dark liquid. It has just the same effect in the evening, and you don’t want to still be awake at 5 AM, so stay away from coffee. The same goes for green tea, which contains caffeine.

3. Don’t Eat Late

When you’re hungry, you can’t help it. Even so, if you decide to have a full meal before bed, it can boost your melatonin levels, and prevent you from falling asleep as a result. So, make sure you have a proper eating schedule that doesn’t make you hungry before your bedtime.

4. Take a Warm Bath or Shower

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Some studies have shown that a shower or bath before your bedtime will significantly increase the quality of your sleep. Basically, the warm water will help you relax and put you in the sleepy mode, getting you ready to enter the dream world. Make sure you relax in the water for a bit before hitting the sheets.

5. Maintain a Proper Room Temperature

Your room’s temperature has a say in whether you can fall asleep easier or harder. If you’re sweating like crazy, you’ll most likely be unable to sleep anytime soon. A lower room temperature will help you fall asleep much easier, especially if you take a warm bath beforehand. It will also help you sleep longer.

6. Put Electronics Away

In today’s world, it’s hard to unglue yourself from your phone when you’re flooded with Instagram notifications. However, watching TV or looking on your phone or laptop before bed will make it harder for you to fall asleep, as the light they’re emitting makes your body think it’s still daytime. Disconnect from all of them before going to bed.

7.    Get a Comfortable Mattress

If you feel all the springs inside the mattress, you won’t be able to fall asleep, as you’ll be focused on the back pain they’re causing you. Bed quality is important, so ensure you have a new and comfortable mattress that makes you feel like you’re sinking in feathers.

Considering the importance it has for your health, you can’t neglect your sleep. Follow these 7 tips, and you should experience better sleep soon enough.



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