How Much Can You Prepare For Your Golden Years

By | May 8, 2019

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There’s never any confusion about what we’re talking about when we mention the golden years. The golden years start when we reach around 65 years to 80+. These are the years were meant to enjoy because of fewer career obligations with retirement.

We get older and wiser through the ages because there are three ages of life. The first age represents preparations and learning when we’re children. The second age is about achievements, and the third age is about fulfillment, and this is the age recognized as the ‘golden years’. The third age is often described as a time when the opinions around us become less important and we begin to ask questions about the purpose of life and seek what really matters to us.

It goes even deeper than that because the golden years or third age is no longer viewed as an interval between retirement and dying. It’s basically being seen now as a developmental period that adds significantly to a life of well-being. Society is not always so much aware of this since there are lots of words, we associate with the golden years that have little, if anything, to do with development; words such as retirement, aging, or elderly. But we know that our lives after retirement can be filled with wonderful years when we plan ahead for it.

There’s much to think about and do when it comes to planning out your golden years. Let’s have a look at the main preps you can do starting now.

Finances: It’s never too early to think about your financial retirement plan. You can first envision what kind of retirement life you are planning, because wanting to travel, for example, will need different expenses than someone who is planning to reside locally and maybe work part-time. Some of the things you want to take seriously would be:

  • Paying off all debts before you reach retirement, and that includes house mortgage or other types of loans. So you want to examine your sources of money as early as possible in case you need to make adjustments.
  • Estimate your predictable income from sources such as Social Security and employer pensions. Other sources would probably come from your savings.
  • Put an estimation of your expected monthly spending during retirement, as well as some unpredictable medical expenses that might not be covered by your current health insurance plan.

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Physical health: Clearly your health is going to be a main concern. While nothing is ever predictable, we do know the better you take care of yourself when you’re younger, the easier it will be for you to handle and fight off physical ailments as you age. Those years at the gym, and early morning jogs are going to pay off well for your future health. Your diet is just as important, and spicy food and rich food doesn’t usually sit too well with us as we get older. Start adding more greens and fruits to your diet and eliminate, when you can, processed food and unhealthy sugar. But no matter how healthy, we try to remain, any illness can hit us at any time, regardless of our age.

It doesn’t have to be an illness, but as we age, our bones lose mass and weaken, which could eventually make it more difficult for us to move around. Hearing loss is also a common problem linked to aging. Fortunately, the technological advancements made in digital hearing aids can now provide significant comfort in even the most severe hearing loss cases.

If you are already in your golden years or have a parent or grandparent who is, you might need a mobility aid to help. Uplifting Mobility helps seniors with mobility issues, since Uplifting Mobility is a site dedicated to much of what elders who have mobility problems need, such as bath lifts, walkers, and more.  

Mental health: Despite we know it’s coming, the transition to retirement, usually hits us as an unpleasant surprise. Suddenly, we find ourselves sitting with idle hands and mind, and it’s an awful feeling. It can’t be stressed enough to give your life a sense of purpose, and this can only come with keeping your mind occupied. There’s no shortage in hobbies, volunteer or part-time work, travel or DIY crafts. All of these are possible actions to take that will keep your mind as healthy as your body.

Aging gracefully

Life definitely doesn’t end in the golden years. Nor does it begin either. It’s a different stage and they call it golden because it can be a glorious one to catch up and do the things you didn’t get a chance to do before. There’s much truth in ‘time flies’ and before you know it, the third age will be knocking at your door and you want to greet and embrace it.



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