Full Body Workout: Fitness For Recovering Addicts

By | May 13, 2019

benefits of working out

Recovering from addiction is a long road. It’s a road that each recovering addict experiences differently, but it’s never an easy journey. They’re battling every second of the day the very strong crave to use. They’re fighting to stay sober, and the lack of substance in their blood gets them angry, frustrated, and irritable. It’s not easy, and that’s why many relapses again.

However, the key to overcoming this crave and staying sober is to have a strong and aware mindset at all times. Perhaps some exercise could help.

How exercise helps with addiction recovery

Exercise has proven, over and over again, to be a great source of mental and physical strength for recovering addicts. Almost every rehab center incorporates some form of exercise in their programs because they know how effective it is.

Here are some ways how exercise does that:

Addiction alters brain chemicals, as does exercise.

You might have started using for that high and irresistibly good feeling of being over the moon, but soon enough the body becomes addicted to those substances. When the body falls into opioids addiction, for instance, it depends on them for producing the feel-good dopamine neurotransmitter.

Drugs such as heroin and morphine are highly addictive and are this way for a reason- they alter the brain chemicals in such a way that it cannot stand the thought of being without it. On the other hand, exercise has proven to restore the dopamine level of pre-addiction, reversing the effects of addiction. It also helps the body produce its own natural opioids so you can get that high feeling without using!

Maintaining a healthy habit takes your mind off bad habits.

Instead of having nothing on your mind, but using and craving, building a new healthy habit and becoming consistent on it help reduce that crave.

Venting out negative emotions.

The great thing about exercise is that you can vent out all of your negative emotions into it, and be rewarded with peace and positivity at the end of the workout. Along with the effort to recover from heavy addictions such as heroin or Roxy addiction, it’s important to look into rehab options, you’ll find that many people swear by it, such as the residents of New Jersey, who have pretty good recovery rates after going to rehab. Recovering addicts could benefit greatly with a combination of rehab and committing to an exercise routine, and through having an outlet for the frustration, cravings, anger, and bad mood generally.

A Stronger Body Makes You Feel More Power and Control over Your Life.

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Working out strengthens your body, making it possible for you to believe you can be in control of your life, and that you’re stronger than using or relapse.

Giving a New Purpose

When you have no idea what you’re doing in life, nothing matters. Not even stopping substance use. If, however, you were to start putting small fitness-goals ahead of you, and then you start working your way in achieving them, you’ll have a new purpose to live forward to.

Full Body Workout For Better Recovery

Working out while in recovery needs to be taken slowly at first. There are many forms of exercise that work just great though so you can choose whichever floats your boat. Some of the best full body workouts for addiction recovery are:

Light Cardio

Light cardio workouts can go anywhere from dancing to walking, hiking, swimming, or even gardening. Being out in nature generally gives a great feeling of relaxation, and adding in light cardio will help with respiration, circulation, and muscle movement.

Yoga and Meditation

Starting with relaxation to more strength-building forms, yoga is a great way to connect body, mind, and soul. It works the body and helps in decluttering from stress and negativity.

Strength training

Adding in some forms of strength training can help the muscles get stronger while rebooting the body to sleep better and overcome insomnia.

Team sports

Team sports aren’t only great as a fun and effective way of working the body out, but it also lets you know you’re not alone. You’re surrounded with people going through the same hardship, and you’re all working towards the same goal -together.

Battling with addiction recovery is difficult, and you need to be fully aware and mentally-strong at all times. Through adding full-body workouts in your recovery routines, you’ll be able to feel much more in control quite quickly. Exercise can help your body in every way, from balancing the brain chemicals to giving you a natural rush, and making it much stronger. Exercise also helps the mind in realizing you can be in control, and that you don’t need to use to feel good.

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