Sexual Health & Physical Fitness

By | December 13, 2019

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The current obesity epidemic, partly caused by our inactivity in the modern lifestyle, has resulted in an increasing number of individuals (43% of women and 31% of men) who suffer from sexual dysfunctions. This problem can have a significant effect on people’s lives.

Male Sexual Dysfunction

Male sexual dysfunction is an increasingly prevalent health issue. It is normally an issue that is related to age. Still, there is a growing realization that physical fitness is connected with whether an individual will be more likely to suffer from this problem. The most prevalent type of male sexual dysfunction is erectile dysfunction, where a man will have difficulty in gaining or maintaining an erection.

Female Sexual Health

Female sexual dysfunction is not an issue that attracts the same degree of attention as Male sexual dysfunction. The most frequently identified form of female dysfunction is connected to a lack of sexual interest and desire to be sexual (Sexual Arousal Disorder). The other type of sexual dysfunction in females is Orgasmic Disorder, which is where the female has problems becoming aroused or remaining aroused during sexual activities.

Positive Relationship Between Physical Fitness & Sexual Health

A recent study has shown that there is an increasing connection between physical fitness and sexual health. It is also thought that women with sexual dysfunctions may be more likely to take up exercise to combat sexual dysfunction than for the current reasons promoted by the industry.

Sex is and always has been a crucial part of humanity. It plays an essential role in maintaining and improving our quality of life. Sexual health will impact both our emotional health and physical health. Within an intimate relationship, satisfying sex life can bring couples closer together.


  • Obesity, as a result of reduced physical activity.
  • Men with a higher BMI have a 30% higher risk of erectile dysfunction than those with a BMI in the normal range.
  • 50% of men who are obese reported some difficulty with their sexual performance.
  • 40% of obese men reported a drop in sexual desire.
  • 40% of obese women stated that they do not enjoy sexual activity.

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The Cure

Doctors know that if improvements are made in cardiovascular functions within males will help to alleviate male dysfunction. What has only just been discovered is that the same may also apply to women.
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder affects 32% of women. If the cardiovascular function in women is improved, then it is probable that women may experience increased sexual pleasure, arousal, and increased orgasms. Currently, most women see this as a problem that cannot be cured, or if it can be improved, then it would involve hormonal treatments.

Final Words

There have been many campaigns to try and improve the fitness of both men and women, and, especially among women, the take-up rate has not been as high as hoped. It is possible that by pointing out the connections between cardiovascular function and solving sexual dysfunctions, that it might serve to encourage more men and women to become fitter.

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