3 Fitness Tips for the New Year

By | January 28, 2020

athletic performance

Whether you want to chase down the kids without being winded, or you want to tone up for that school reunion, there’s no wrong reason to want to get fit. And with the New Year here, there’s no reason to delay it any further.

Decide to Exercise Anywhere, Anytime

You don’t need an exclusive gym membership to have a solid workout routine. Especially for beginners, it’s good to look for innovative ways to get your exercise on that doesn’t leave you feeling bored.

When possible, instead of using the escalators or elevators, take the stairs. Shopping bags are akin to weights. Do a couple of reps in between landings if you want the extra burn. Likewise, don’t grab the closest parking space on your next shopping excursion. Carrying heavy bags on a brisk walk helps to keep the heart healthy and the legs toned. Remember to bring water as staying hydrated helps keep your skin looking firm and healthy.

Proper fitness also includes taking care of the physical condition of your skin. After workouts, make sure to cleanse your face properly to avoid any acne breakouts due to clogged pores. Pack essentials in your gym bag, like cleansing wipes, scrubs, or even a handheld acne treatment device similar to those used in spas. Handheld anti-aging and hair removal devices give you professional treatments on the run without sacrificing fitness goals or taking up all of your precious time. Thanks to modern technology, it’s quite possible to achieve dermatologist-level skincare results anywhere.

Quit Smoking

No matter how many times a week you workout, you will never reach your full potential if you continue to smoke. This is a fact. Smoking causes the most damage to the heart, the lungs, and the skin. When you smoke, it increases your resting heart rate, which is dangerous because it increases your chances of having a heart attack. If you choose to workout while still smoking regularly, you are putting your body at risk.

Also, smoking makes lung expansion difficult, which is necessary during an intense aerobic routine. Lungs get coated with tar making them less elastic and breathing more laborious.
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Make It Personal

Unfortunately, the spirit of the New Year sometimes pushes people to over-commit. And then, within a few short weeks, unmeasured goals are discarded, and people are right back to their unhealthy routines. This year tailor your goals to fit your lifestyle.

If some of your friends can make it to the gym five times a week for an hour at a time, that’s great. But, that doesn’t mean you have to, too. As stated before, you can exercise anywhere. All it takes is some creative thinking to achieve the goals you have in mind.

Instead of gym classes, go out dancing. If you thrive in group settings, ask your friends to join you. If getting physically fit is a personal journey, there are fitness apps that can connect you with personal trainers. The best part is you don’t even have to leave your home to workout.

If exercising is new to you, there is nothing wrong with setting smaller goals that ultimately lead you to your bigger objective. At the end of the day, just like in life, you have to do what works for you.

To achieve your fitness goals in 2020 and beyond, just remember these tips and you’ll be off to a great start.

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