The State of Weight Loss: Approaches That Set You Up For Failure

By | October 23, 2020


If you’re like most people, you want to lose weight and be in good physical fitness but all too often we all tend to go about it the wrong way. In our minds, we’re thinking we’re on the right path, and mentally speaking, we are simply because we’ve made the decision to take control over our health; But ultimately, we end up setting ourselves up for failure before we can even give ourselves a fair shot at physical fitness.

Making weight loss mistakes is a pretty common thing to do though. With loads of information (and misinformation) available on the internet and at our fingertips, it’s pretty easy to take heed to information that seems right when it’s indeed wrong.

There are, of course, certain diets and trends you may read about that are obviously dangerous or unsustainable, so you know not to take heed to those falsehoods. For example, there is a tapeworm diet where you consume a capsule full of tapeworm eggs and wait for them to hatch in your stomach so they can start eating the foods you eat before your body can fully consume it all. This is supposed to reduce your calorie intake, but it can also give you a serious parasitic infection too.

But what about the trends that aren’t as clear as those? Well, to be able to recognize the safe from the dangerous solely depends on your state of mind and overall approach to weight loss.

  • How bad do you want to be physically fit and healthy?
  • Are you in a rush to achieve your fitness goals?

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To achieve fitness goals, you might have heard people say that you have to be hungry for it (not in a literal sense) but from a mental standpoint.

The thing that people tend to forget about in physical fitness is that it all starts with your state of mind. If you’re not mentally prepared, you’re not going to achieve the goals you want and you’re going to set yourself up for failure before you can even give yourself a real and fair chance at weight loss.

If you’re trying to lose weight, make sure you’re giving yourself a real shot by avoiding these weight loss mistakes.

Relying on What the Scale Says

Scales are good for weighing yourself at the beginning of your weight loss journey but you also have to have a good understanding of your body and how the scale works. Depending on what you’re hoping to see with your weight loss results, scales don’t always tell the whole truth.

Maybe when you first began your weight loss journey, you might have weighed in at 170lbs but a month later you hop on the scale and it reads 173 lbs… In your mind, you know you’ve been exercising and eating healthy, and your clothes fit more loosely, so why isn’t the scale reflecting that?

Well, the only thing a scale does is tell you your overall total body weight. What it doesn’t do is break down how much of the weight is muscle and how much is fat. So on your journey, don’t be so quick to trust the scale. You can trust the fit of your clothes and how you feel more.

Trying to Starve Yourself

There is a major difference between cutting back on food and starving yourself. On your weight loss journey, one of the key factors in changing your physical appearance is being more mindful of not only what you eat but also how much you eat.

The safe route would be to lower your carb intake. Your carb intake being larger than your carb expulsion is how most people gain weight… by lowering your carb intake, you’ll lose weight faster. Now, with that theory, some people will take it to an unsafe extreme and just not eat anything.

Starvation is not necessary. If you want to lower your carb intake, simply go on a juice cleanse. You’ll be able to give your body the nutrients it needs without the added calories… This is one of the safest ways to lose weight.

Setting Goals You Can’t Achieve With Your Current Level of Fitness

Setting unrealistic goals is probably the biggest goal-crushing thing you can do to yourself. At your current state of fitness, you can’t expect yourself to run at maximum speed on a treadmill… you have to build up your endurance.

Start with small goals. Once you achieve those goals, you’ll have the endurance and confidence to reach more fitness goals… Patience is key here.

Losing weight is a journey and you have to trust the process. But in trusting the process, you also have to be realistic with yourself too… not doing so will cause you to give up before even starting.

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