Here’s Why You Can Use CBD Oil for Combatting Stress

By | October 30, 2020

cbd oil

Stress is a common mental state when a certain event causes a feeling of fright, which may be high or low in intensity. While everyday stress drives us to get things done without slacking, an overdose of stress can cause more harm than good. We end up feeling panicky, distracted, and our bodily responses like heart rate shoot up. All of these reactions altogether challenge our day to day functioning.


When we come across a situation that we perceive to be stress-inducing, our body produces certain hormones and neurotransmitters in response to that situation. Thus, we encounter a high heart rate, high blood pressure, palpitations, sweating, shaking, etc. Stress even affects our immune system functioning and digestive ability by slowing them down. Upon being under stress for a long time, an individual may encounter health problems. We would constantly slip into mood swings, a feeling of hopelessness, thus challenging our happiness.

Since being overly stressed can cause many problems, it’s important to keep it under check. This can be achieved by controlling the secretion of stress hormones as well as practicing mindfulness. However, meditation and breathing exercises are a long cut to developing resilience to stress. This is why people look for natural alternatives that act a little quicker and provide relief from stress. One such natural alternative that has gained popularity in recent years is CBD (cannabidiol). Let’s see how pure CBD oil for sale can help in combatting stress and promoting a sense of physiological and mental harmony.


CBD is one of the cannabinoids found in cannabis. There are hundreds of cannabinoids present in cannabis, and they are known to be rich in certain health properties. While these cannabinoids are found in small quantities in the plant, CBD and THC are the only two cannabinoids found in high percentages. Both of these cannabinoids have a number of health properties; however, THC also has psychoactive properties.

CBD oil that is extracted from hemp is used to make CBD products for health reasons since hemp only contains THC in traces. On the other hand, marijuana has an abundance of THC in it, which is why it’s used for recreational purposes for people to get ‘high.’

CBD offers both physiological and mental health benefits. It helps in reducing pain, inflammation, seizures, and can also help in treating acne. On a mental level, CBD can be useful in relieving people from anxiety, depression, and stress. To know more about how CBD helps in combatting stress, read ahead.

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As already discussed, stress has a lot to do with hormones and neurotransmitters. It’s when these hormones and neurotransmitters are produced in large amounts over an extended period of time that stress becomes a menace. CBD can help in managing and combatting stress by managing the production and secretion of certain chemicals involved in causing or worsening stress.

We have a system in us called the Endocannabinoid System which functions with the help of endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by our body) and receptors. These receptors, specifically a receptor called the CB2 receptor manages pain, mood, appetite, and sleep. When we take pure CBD oil for sale, it interacts with the Endocannabinoid System in our body and mimics the functions of the endocannabinoids. CBD attaches itself to the CB2 receptor and helps in regulating neurotransmitters that change our mood and also promote a sense of calmness. Upon taking CBD over an extended period of time, other problems associated with stress, like appetite and sleep can also be restored.


While taking pure CBD oil for sale consistently can give you positive outcomes, making use of a couple of more techniques along with CBD would be even more helpful. Two of the most helpful techniques that help in regulating positive thoughts and positive mental health by reducing stress are meditation and yoga. When you combine these three amazing and natural ways to cope with stress, you would be greatly benefitted.


While it’s understandable that meditation and yoga can be practiced over time, one still has to crack the right dose of CBD for themselves since every individual needs a different dose of CBD for it to have an impact. This is why it’s best to start with the lowest possible dose of CBD and check how sensitive to CBD you are before going on with a regular dose. When taken in the right doses; not less and not more, you would be able to combat stress with the help of CBD.

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