5 Free Exercises to Boost Mental Health

By | November 11, 2020

free exercise

If there was ever a time for people needing to boost their mood and improve their mental health, it is now.

Whether you are wanting to help your own overall wellbeing or you want to get your whole family feeling fabulous, you can find the perfect physical activity for your needs.

From good old walking in the fresh air, to trying out some dynamic stretching, to wild swimming, keep reading to discover the top-five exercises that can help boost your mental health without breaking the bank.

Yes, that’s right, no expensive gym memberships in sight.

1. Cycling

Whether you prefer a good old-fashioned bike or you fancy trying your luck at Peloton, cycling is great for your mental health.

Cycling outdoors has the ability to reduce stress, produce endorphins, and get more oxygen pumping around your body, all of which will contribute to good mental health.

However, if you prefer to try a spinning class from the comfort of your own home, these can leave you feeling exhilarated and motivated, as well as offering you the opportunity to feel part of a group, which is also great for your overall mental wellbeing.

2. Walking

Completely free and accessible to everyone, there is nothing quite like a brisk walk around the park to lift your mood. Even a short 10-minute walk among nature can have a significant impact on how you feel.

Don’t feel pressured into setting goals or walking too fast, as studies show that low-intensity exercise is actually the best option for those who want to encourage positive thinking and to start overcoming depression.
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3. Yoga

Although not for everyone, yoga is a very soothing type of exercise that is known for aiding relaxation and reducing stress. Yoga is also great for people who find it hard to focus, as it teaches you to control your breathing and it takes your body out of the “fight or flight” response that people who experience high levels of stress or anxiety often find themselves in.

You can find lots of online yoga classes and tutorials, meaning you can take part in this activity without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

4. Swimming

Any type of swimming is good for improving your mental health. However, if you truly want to boost your mood and push your body out of its comfort zone, you should try wild swimming. Also known as outdoor swimming, this increasingly popular form of exercise involves swimming in natural waters, usually in rivers or lakes.

Wild swimming has been shown to reduce stress levels, enhance happiness, and may even help combat depression. Plus, what would you rather be looking at—the walls of your local leisure center or the natural surroundings of your nearest freshwater source?

5. Dancing

Who hasn’t popped on their favorite tune and had a mad dance around their living room when they’ve needed a little mood boost? And why not, as dancing has the ability to both improve your self-esteem and relieve stress.

Whether you have the coordination or not, dancing is a free activity that the whole family can enjoy together, either in the home, in the backyard, or at a dance class.

So, what are you waiting for? Get moving and starting feeling better today!

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

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