How Your Diet Can Affect Your Health in More Ways Than You Think

By | October 14, 2021

healthy foods

Whilst you will have likely heard about the numerous benefits associated with dieting to improve fitness and weight, you may not be fully aware of the benefits that it can have for your overall health. For example, your heart is arguably one of your most important organs, and an imbalance of nutrition can disrupt the flow of your body, and cause danger. This is what you need to know about dieting for your health.

How Food Can Affect Your Body

Food can affect our bodies in several different ways. That’s because the nutrients that are found within both natural and processed foods can give the cells within a human body what it needs to perform basic functions. This will happen every day, with cells in your body working to keeping your organs going.

If you give the body enough of the right nutrients, then you can help your health to grow in a better way than before. It’s not as simple as looking at the calories, and good food against bad, you have to look deeper at what you’re leaving out on a day-to-day basis.

Nutrition And Disease

As food that you eat goes through your digestive systems, it means that your stomach and other organs will absorb the minerals, vitamins, and components from what you eat. It will then be distributed throughout the bloodstream, which can get into your heart muscles, as well as blood vessels and coronary arteries.

That’s why it’s important to be aware of what you’re putting into your mouth, as certain foods could cause your heart to pump harder than it should, and exert more energy in the process. Further down the line, this could lead to dangers such as a heart attack or heart failure in general.

Other elements within the food can also affect your body. For example, the amount of sodium that you intake can also affect your heart rate and blood pressure. Salt is known for blocking up water, which is why many cities across the world use salt to melt ice. However, if you have too much salt digested into your body, then that will lead to your body retaining more water to help dilute the blood volume. In the end, this will cause more blood to circulate within the body, which makes your heart work faster.

However, in moderation, sodium can be okay for you, where you should be aiming to take in anywhere from 180-500mg. You should keep an eye on the number of processed foods that you take in, as these foods can be high in sodium levels.

If your diet is high in saturated and trans fats, then this will lead to your LDL levels rising. LDL is also known as bad cholesterol, which can harden your arteries and form plaque within the inner linings of your blood vessels, which could lead to them being narrower. That’s bad because narrow openings mean less blood can physically get to your heart.

Away from the heart, certain foods and an unhealthy diet, in general, can increase your risk for various other health issues, such as cancer. That’s because there are a lot of different ingredients that can go into processed foods. These small ingredients can alter the flavor, coloring, and shelf life of a piece of food. A study by the BMJ found that every 10% increase of consumption with highly processed foods was associated with a 12% higher risk for cancer.

There are sadly a variety of cancers that this could affect. For example, breast cancer has a risk through your diet, as does prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in men after skin cancer, which is why it’s important to try and spot the symptoms as early as possible and eat the right sort of food.

Obesity and high-fat diets, in general, will be counter-productive for dealing with prostate cancer, whereas maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your daily fat intake could help to improve your health, especially in regards to prostate cancer. There are nutrients found in certain foods and beverages that help support your immune system, which can help in the fight against prostate cancer.
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That’s why some doctors and nutritionists recommend following a prostate cancer diet, to improve the outcome of cancer. It can lead to lower levels of prostate cancer cells developing and prevent more from growing.

So these foods can cause harm, but as you can see, a well-maintained diet and nutrition can help to improve your overall health. Some foods that could help include healthy fat foods such as olive oil and whole grains. These will help to lower your cholesterol and prevent plaque from building in your arteries.

When you can improve your heart flow, it will allow your heart to pump blood easier, which will cause less strain and stress.

What Poor Nutrition Means

Generally speaking, poor nutrition refers to when you deprive your body of the key nourishment it needs. Poor nutrition and bad eating habits can cause troubles such as obesity, diabetes and increase risks of strokes and cancer.

There are certain nutrients that you will need to be getting into your body, to best boost your health. However, even if you are having the right type of food, if you overeat then that can also lead to weight gain and obesity. Of course, undereating any type of food can and will deprive your body of the key nutrients that it needs. That can lead to conditions such as anorexia or bulimia, which can cause physical health issues as well as mental health.

That’s why you must speak to a doctor or a medical expert/nutritionist to find the right balance for yourself. There are diabetic experts too that could give you great advice on what you can be doing.

How It Can Directly Affect You

Poor nutrition can affect you in several ways. As we mentioned earlier, it can lead to health strains and certain diseases, but it can also go further. Consider your mental health, eating unwell can rot your brain into making you feel unmotivated and unproductive, which leads to other brain issues. Your energy levels will also be affected, where you will feel more fatigued from the moment you wake up, to when you go to sleep.

Of course, your teeth and mouth, in general, could also be affected. This could be primarily through tooth decay. There are also several other issues related to your mouth thanks to a poor diet, so it’s best to sort it as early as possible, to get treatment quicker.

Healthier Eating Habits You Can Get Into

Wherever possible, you should be trying to get into healthier eating habits. The most effective way you can do this is by swapping out unhealthy snacks and going for more fruits and veggies throughout your day.

You could start your day with some fruit and yogurt, to make it more excited, or have a bowl of oatmeal or other healthy cereals. You must aim for five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, which can come from breakfast and dinner, or snacks throughout the day.

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