Muscle Mass From Creatine, Not Harmful Steroids

By | January 2, 2012

gain healthy muscle

Although anabolic steroids can be tempting for a person get a lot more out of their workout, they can also help a person to get a lot more health issues and quickly.

But what can a person do if they want to get better results from a work out and don’t want to use harmful steroids?

The answer is that they should choose a high-quality creatine supplement. When taken correctly, creatine can help you achieve muscle building results faster. The correct way to use creatine in outlined in detail at

Here are a few reasons why creatine is better than steroids in the long run.

Steroid Side-Effects

First of all, you should know that when it comes to steroids you can suffer some serious problems when you use these drugs. You may find out that you have caused irrevocable damage to your liver from ingesting oral steroids.

Another very common and deadly serious side effect is an increase level of bad cholesterol. Finally, in women steroid use can cause increased hair growth on their face and in men it can cause sexual dysfunction.

The Benefits Of Creatine

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For the person who is looking to get a great muscle building supplement that has little to no side-effects, professionals agree that protein supplements that include Creatine powder can provide the best results.

Part of the reason for this is that Creatine helps a muscle to accumulate and hold mass. This can make a weight lifter feel motivated by seeing results in what they are doing.

There are a couple of important things to know about Creatine and one of these is that even with all the research they have been doing on this supplement the researchers haven’t discovered any major known negative health impacts related to the use of creatine.

Additionally, to get the best benefits you will want to take it as directed, there are periods when you initially start on the supplement where you’ll need to ‘load up’ or take a higher dose. There is also more to be gained when you take your creatine at certain times in relation to when you’ll be exercising.

Creatine Supplement Choices

Some of the available forms of Creatine on the market from stores like myprotein are Creatine Monohydrate pouches (helping increase ATP levels), Creatine Gluconate (for fast delivery and advanced absorption of creatine) and Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL (aids the store of more ATP).

If you decide to include creatine, just make sure it’s a quality supplement from a reputable source.

ted kallmyer coaching

One thought on “Muscle Mass From Creatine, Not Harmful Steroids

  1. Craig

    Don’t forget you must also cycle Creatine because your body will adjust to the dosage. You can cycle it one month on, one month off or two months on, one month off, whichever you feel has the best impact on your body

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