Does Working Out Cause Acne?

By | October 1, 2012

working-out-acneIf you have acne prone skin there are a few things to consider when working out or starting a fat loss exercise regimen.

Working out or exercise in itself does not cause or promote acne. Actually, it’s quite the opposite!

Exercise that causes you to sweat actually helps you prevent acne as long as you are drinking pure water and showing afterwards.

  • Exercise opens and cleanses the pores through the act of sweating.
  • Sweating flushes acne causing toxins out of the skin.
  • Exercise improves circulation which helps keep the skin healthy.

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When Exercise Can Lead to Acne Outbreaks

There are some exceptions to the acne preventing nature of exercise that should be considered.

  1. Hydration: If you are exercising without properly hydrating, this can lead to increased acne. Also, if you are hydrating with sugary energy drinks or sports drinks this can increase your chances of breaking out.
  2. Supplements: Some supplements can cause acne as a side effect. Steroids, although illegal, can lead to acne. Also legal supplements like creatine and muscle gainers can promote acne. These substances have a lot of chemicals that interfere with hydration and hormone levels, which in turn, leads to acne.
  3. sweat-towel-acneKeeping Clean: The main cause of acne is bacteria. Gyms are full of bacteria because of all the other users. If you are wiping the sweat off of your face with your hands, this is putting more bacteria on your face. Also not washing gym towels, hats, and gym clothes frequently puts more bacteria on your skin, which can promote acne.
  4. Diet: There has been a debate for decades on whether diet causes acne. I believe there is a strong connection. If you are exercising but still consuming sugary, processed food based diets then this can promote acne. A cleaner diet also leads to a cleaner body and healthier skin.

What to Do to Clear Up Acne

If you are experiencing increased acne, first consider if you have adopted any of the bad habits mentioned above and then begin adjusting those habits. There are other resources like that have tons of useful information to treat and prevent acne as well. You can also read up on different types of creams (such as Tretinoin cream) on various review websites.

Don’t let acne prevent you from exercising and getting fit. By following the right steps, you can clear up your acne and the exercise will actually promote more healthy skin.


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