An MP45 Workout Review- MP45 vs. P90X vs. Insanity vs. CrossFit

By | December 17, 2012

p90x-insanity-crossfitMy name is Pete Racanelli. There’s a big difference between who I am now and who I was two months ago. Two months ago, I was flabby, gawky, and complacent.

That was before MP45 changed my life. I’m not kidding. It actually did. And in under two months! So who am I today? I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m confident. I’m eating the right kind of foods. And I just love every minute of the new and improved me. Look at me now.

I’m really excited to share some info and give you an honest MP45 workout and diet program review. Developed by Jaret Grossman of Muscle Prodigy, MP45 transformed not only my body, but also my thinking, my workout plans, my eating habits, and just about everything in between. As a teaser, I’ll share some cool facts I’ve picked up about training and nutrition just from reading what I bought. And speaking of purchase, at only $97.00, this was perhaps the best purchase of my life.

With $97.00, I’ll get only 1-2 hours of personal training at a gym. With MP45, I get a full 45 day step-by-step training and nutritional plan. It lists every exercise, set, and rep that I should do in the gym, in addition to exactly what meals I should eat at specific times of the day. With MP45, you also get a full training and nutritional book that explains the science behind the program. Many programs just have you exercise and diet without really explaining the science.
MP45 helps you understand exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. After 45 days, I have never looked better. Most importantly, even after the 45 days are over, you can use these valuable training and nutritional principles for the rest of your life to consistently look your best.

Let’s review some interesting facts I learned with the MP45 Workout and Nutritional Program:

mp45 workout before after

My before and after shot. This all happened in 45 days!

  • Stop the crunches! The two most important exercises for abs are diet and squats.
  • Exercising too frequently has a catabolic effect, which actually performs muscle wasting properties on the body.
  • Keep your workouts within an hour to see optimal gains and to dramatically increase testosterone levels to build more lean muscle mass.
  • Weightlifting intensely will rapidly elevate your basal metabolic rate. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn to sustain that muscle, and the leaner you will be as a result.
  • Any muscle you put on burns fat 4X more efficiently than the fat you have on your body.
  • Always choose the free weights. Most machines do not involve as much of the synergistic muscles as free weights do, and therefore do not build as much muscle mass.
  • Fast twitch muscle fibers hold significantly more glycogen than slow twitch muscle fibers. By breaking down more glycogen, you more easily tap into your fat reserves at a quicker rate than if you were just working your slow twitch fibers.
  • Male or female, you need to eat close to every two hours. When you do this, your metabolism skyrockets.
  • Eggs are the best protein food that you can get and has the highest biological value of any food.
  • Studies have confirmed over and over again that one can consume as much olive oil as desired without gaining an ounce of fat.
  • The post-workout meal is the most important meal of your day when it comes to muscle growth, recovery, and burning fat.
  • Just one margarita has 750 calories and 56 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Your body can only digest 35 grams of protein in one meal, so make sure you are splitting up your protein intake throughout the day through several small meals.

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As you can see, I learned a ton of information that I never knew before. When I talk to friends about my knowledge on training and nutrition, they think I’m studying it in school. In reality, I just used everything MP45 taught me to change every aspect of my life in regards to health and fitness. Best $97.00 I’ve ever spent? You bet.

MP45 focuses on the principle of High Intensity Stimulation Training (H.I.S.T.). It takes a powerlifter’s workout (the strongest athlete) with a sprinter’s workout (the most ripped athlete) and replicates a modification of a sprinter’s intensity workout and a powerlifter’s volume stimulation workout together in one. This workout provides awe-inspiring results in the shortest period of time to build strength and power while getting you ripped in the process.

Besides the training principles in MP45, nutrition also comes into play. As for nutrition, the principles revolve around healthy eating habits that force you to eat every 2-3 hours to prevent your body from going catabolic. You eat small, frequent meals that include lean protein sources, low glycemic carbohydrates, and healthy unsaturated fats.

That’s the basis behind MP45 but there is so much more to learn!

Other Workout Programs

Jaret Grossman MP45’s Creator

I was looking for a better way to reshape my body, my life, and my thinking. All of my friends were telling me to “Try P90X!” or “Go on the Insanity Workout!” or “Do CrossFit!”. Those sounded a bit too intense and meathead-like for me. When I thought all was lost, and I was going to give up, I stumbled upon the MP45 workout and diet plan. I was intrigued instantly. Just 45 days? I was certainly skeptical, but then I kept reading.

The guy who created the program, Jaret Grossman, was so convincing because he’s basically your average guy. He doesn’t appear on TV, he doesn’t try to swindle you. Instead, he just tells you what works and is honest about everything. Results certainly don’t lie. The guy is 6% body fat and ripped! He has a max squat of 490 lbs. and can do 250 consecutive push-ups and 40 pull-ups without rest. Not to mention, he once did 104 consecutive reps of 148 lb. squats. If you don’t believe me, you can find the video online! Think he got that way from sitting on his couch and wishing he tried MP45? Doubtful.

Before I get into comparing MP45 with these other workout programs, I want to say one thing. Even if you choose to do P90X, Insanity, CrossFit, or another workout program over doing MP45, you still are making a good decision. Any workout program is undoubtedly better than doing nothing at all. Each of these programs offers something unique and beneficial for the body.

However, I am just offering my honest opinion as to why I think MP45 is better than these programs from my research and personal experience. I am trying to provide you with a thorough analysis as to why MP45 is better than the rest. Remember, people have differing opinions on this subject. I am just offering you my opinion and I don’t represent the opinions of anyone else.

Let’s look at the other workout programs and how they compare to MP45:

MP45 Workout vs. P90X


I’m sure you’ve heard of P90X. A lot of us have. In fact, P90X workouts are almost ubiquitous with intense fitness and training. P90X is a 90-day program that focuses on yoga, strength training, plyometrics, and stretching. The program’s emphasis is mainly on fitness, but there is also a nutrition guide, a calendar, and DVDs with workouts that feature the creator, Tony Horton. The 13-week program focuses on exercise rotation and variation, as well as a concept called “muscle confusion.” The workouts last a bit over an hour, and are spread out for 6 out of 7 days a week.

The nutritional aspect of P90X consists of three phases, each for a month over a three month period. The first month focuses on high protein foods with a lesser carbohydrate intake. The second month incorporates carbohydrates in adequate, seemingly average amounts. The third and final phase is referred to as the athlete’s phase, whereby carbs are used as a solid energy source, and are incorporated with more frequency.

My Criticism

P90X is decent if you don’t want to build any considerable muscle. You heard me. P90X is good for getting in decent shape, trimming up, and getting what some would call a nice “beach body”. However, if you’re really looking to impress people with your new muscular physique, MP45 is the better option. P90X is all about resistance training, and body weight exercises. This is great if you want to burn a lot of fat. However, you won’t really get anywhere in the future if you keep using resistance bands, performing home workouts, etc. MP45 stresses the importance of muscle failure, and going to a gym. MP45 talks all about muscle failure, and how to literally not be able to lift up another pound. I’d tell you how to do it, but then I’d be giving the product away, now wouldn’t I? If you want to build muscle, and not just “tone up”, as some misinformed individuals would say, then go out and try MP45. Trust me on that one.

Another criticism of mine is the nutrition program that P90X offers. It’s just not customized. Every person has a different body, and everyone has different needs. Should a 6’3″ 230 lb. man eat the same calories as a 5’7″ 150 lb. man? Definitely not. This is not stressed enough. Another issue is the phases. They’re just not practical. P90X throws your body and your metabolism through loops. Yeah, “confusion” occurs. But so does lack of nutrients. The first phase includes such little carbohydrates that I can see people having absolutely no energy to fit the workouts in.

This diet is also very restrictive, and some people may find it difficult to live a normal life while maintaining the diet. MP45, on the other hand, includes a diet plan that is customized for you. You get to eat carbs! But you learn about the right carbs, and when to eat them. You get to eat foods you like, even if they’re not the most nutritionally sound. You just learn when to incorporate them into your diet. With the MP45 nutrition plan, you won’t get bored.


In the MP45 vs. P90X battle, MP45 comes out on top. The MP45 program teaches you a healthy lifestyle. P90X will get you “cut up” and “toned”, sure. But it won’t teach you habits, plans, and a lifestyle that you can continue through the rest of your life. MP45 focuses on teaching you habits that you can continue for the rest of your life. You learn to restructure how you eat, but in a way that you can manage on your own time. Your workouts also won’t be overwhelming and you get to take days off. And not for nothing, but you also learn this in half the time that P90X takes.

MP45 vs. Insanity


Insanity is a product of Beachbody LLC (the same people that brought us P90X). The Insanity workout is a series of DVDs that utilizes circuit training for periods of 30-60 minutes for 6 days a week for 60 days. Insanity focuses mainly on cardiovascular training, and bodyweight resistance exercises. Through a concept known as “Max Interval Training,” you work extremely hard for 3 minutes, and rest for 30 seconds. By doing this, the creator, a guy by the name of Shaun T, preaches the benefits of exhaustion in telling you that you should be tired, but to dig deep and keep going. The program introduces a high level of cardio workouts for the first month, and then allows for a recovery week where lighter exercises are performed. In the next month, workouts become more intense, and are generally elongated.

Insanity comes with an “Elite Nutrition” plan, which stresses the importance of calories, and promotes sufficiency due to the rigorous nature of Insanity. The plan stresses five meals a day, and even has an equation that allows you to figure out how many calories your body needs. However, in the same arbitrary nature of the BMI scale (which I now know is quite inefficient), the results of the Elite Nutrition equation can be hit or miss.

My Criticism

Any program that labels itself as “Insanity” has to be a little insane. In fact, “Insanity” might be the better title because this workout plan seems actually a bit pointless. Almost all of the workouts are geared towards cardio in some respect. This is pretty decent for your heart, sure, but where’s the strength training? With a high level of cardio, but not strength training to keep it in check, there is really no room for muscle growth. In combination with this, and the fairly restrictive meal plan, there could be potential for muscle atrophy. With Insanity, you’re hardly working your muscles, and not really eating to fuel them. With this program, you’re told to eat a lot of carbohydrates to keep the workouts in check, but what’s the point? You’ll just start back at square one.


Insanity vs. MP45? Let’s take a look. For $120.00, the Insanity program just isn’t worth it. You won’t build much muscle at all. As stated earlier, you’re actually in danger of losing muscle due to the lack of strength training and restrictive diet. If anything, I’d rather put on some fat along with muscle, than put on no muscle at all. Insanity appears to be a solution for those people who want to burn fat and slim down, but remember, muscle burns calories at a rate 4X more efficiently than fat does. There’s nothing wrong with this if you don’t know much about body composition. But if you’re educated about this stuff then you know muscle keeps you lean and gives you that shredded look.

MP45 not only taught me how to eat healthy and workout correctly, but it also educated me on the body’s needs, and how it’s structured. Building muscle is important for both men and women, because muscle burns fat and reshapes the body. For $23 less, I know so much more about the body thanks to MP45.

MP45 Workout vs. CrossFit


CrossFit is a gym-based program that utilizes a wide range of constantly varied workouts. The program incorporates weight lifting and cardio, and CrossFit members often compete with one another, and on teams in completing these activities. This is beneficial for the competitive fitness junkies who are always looking to up their personal records. CrossFit workouts are short and very, very intense. In the workouts, odd yet unique devices are lifted, and cardiovascular training is varied throughout. Kettle balls, medicine balls, rowing devices, gymnastic rings, and jump ropes are just a few of the items that appear frequently in a CrossFit gym.

My Criticism

CrossFit is definitely unique, but it is certainly not made for every type of person. If you’re already in good shape, love competition, and wouldn’t mind spending $100 a month at the lowest, then by all means, join up. However, if you’re in the majority of people who would rather spend less for results, and actually build a lifestyle that you can watch gain progress, then do it with MP45. And with only a one-time payment of $97.00, you really can’t go wrong with MP45.

CrossFit also doesn’t allow you to track progression through workouts and there probably isn’t a nearby CrossFit gym in your location. Since the sessions are so varied in nature, you never quite realize where you’ve come over the months and you can’t really do these types of workouts on your own. Also, because of how haphazardly intense the training is, injury is indeed very possible, as is overtraining.

Because CrossFit is a gym-based program, there really isn’t a nutritional aspect to it. This is huge, because as I’ve learned from MP45, making healthy food choices matters. It matters so much in fact, that this lack of nutritional adherence was a huge turnoff when looking into programs. On the CrossFit website, they list some nutritional information, though it is quite sparse. The website provides ballpark estimates on what you should eat. This is very flawed, because everyone has a different body, different body fat percentages, and, of course, different fitness goals. The program states that 30% of your calories should be from protein, 40% from carbohydrates, and 30% from fat.


In the battle of the MP45 program vs. Crossfit, I’ve picked a clear winner. MP45 is not only conclusive, but it works with you. CrossFit is a cool hobby, and while it’s intense, there aren’t that many distinct goals in mind for its consumers. Those who join up with CrossFit are generally in shape and looking to stay in shape. MP45 knows that you might not know a thing about fitness or nutrition, but works with you, and educates you.

In my honest opinion and review, MP45 is the best workout and diet program around. If you follow the MP45 plan, your body will be exactly what you’ve always wanted it to be. Give it a try! You won’t be disappointed!

Check out me in this video below. I am incorporating many of the workouts you find in the MP45 Program. You can really see how much of a transformation I made with this great program!

ted kallmyer coaching

4 thoughts on “An MP45 Workout Review- MP45 vs. P90X vs. Insanity vs. CrossFit

  1. Trevor Burkhead

    What would you say to someone who doesn’t have the access to eating healthy meals every 2-3 hours because of work? Will you still be able to do the program by eating 3 healthy meals a day and the workouts?

    1. Ted

      Probably so. Would you be able to bring a few protein rich snacks to work with you?

  2. Bobby

    I was electricuted in 1992. I cannot eat anything to speed up my heart rate but am able to exercise. Do you have any advice for a good workout program for me. I am 70 pounds over weight.

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