Do Probiotics Help With Fat Loss?

By | January 18, 2013

Probiotic supplements seem to be surging in popularity these days, but, do you really need to take them and will they help with your quest to lose fat?

Despite all the marketing hype, let’s cut to the chase and simplify the ins and outs of this supplement.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are simply microorganisms  that live in the digestive tract of animals, including humans.

They help you digest your food, keep you regular, strengthen your immunity, and allow for you to get maximum absorption of the nutrients in your food. So therefore, they are pretty darn important!

But, in healthy people these natural probiotic cultures are active and healthy already. They reproduce inside the intestines and also are  replenished by eating healthy foods.

Who Needs to Supplement?

Some people may not have adequate cultures in their bodies and may need to take a probiotic supplement. People who consume a lot of processed food may have deficiencies as well as people who are on or have been on antibiotics.

Antibiotics kill the healthy microorganisms in the intestines along with the bad bacteria they are designed to get rid of.  People on antibiotics can even develop chronic diarrhea because of the lack of healthy bacteria. I just read that fecal transplant has been successful in treating this.
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I would definitely encourage people on antibiotics to use a probiotic supplement because who would ever want a fecal transplant?!?

People eating poor diets should first, start eating healthy whole foods and then supplement as necessary.

What About  for Fat Loss?

Since proper digestion is essential for a healthy metabolism,  I would encourage people to supplement if they feel their natural probiotics cultures are lacking. These cultures aren’t going to eat your fat or help you burn it directly, but they will strengthen your overall good health.

Avoid products like Activia and other probiotic shakes. These are usually loaded with sugar. Also make sure the capsule form contains strains of probiotics that survive the stomach acid to make it into your intestines viable.

If you don’t have regular bowel movements, get sick a lot, or have been prescribed an antibiotic then probiotics may be beneficial for you.

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