Hormones Affect The Health Of Hair And Skin

By | February 25, 2016

healthy skin and hair

Hormones affect hair and skin in texture, smoothness, wrinkles and sagging (skin) and amount (hair). Human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone have the power to reverse the signs of aging skin and the overall health of hair.

Both of these vital hormones control all of the functions of the body. These include normal growth and development, healing, restoration of cells and tissues and have been called “age defying” miracle drugs. They have proven to minimize wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, sagging skin and help hair to grow in thicker and balding to stop.

How Do Hormones Affect The Health Of Skin

Research out of some of the finest and most prestigious institutions and medical centers in the US has demonstrated that HGH:

  • Improves the evaporation of cellulite and fat cells that get deposited under the skin. When these deposits are under the eyes, it creates facial fat and puffs
  • Improves the strength of facial muscles. This allows the muscles to hold the skin up
  • Increases the amount of collagen fiber that is produced. Collagen and elastin make up the foundation of the skin’s outer most layer; the epidermis. HGH makes new collagen to help with the texture of skin and helps it look more supple and youthful
  • Helps to tone the skin better
  • Reduces sagginess
  • Helps the epidermis to stay hydrated and moist
  • Makes sure that the skin stays solid in color and not transparent

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Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that the subjects in the study had an increase in skin thickness by 7.1 percent. Additionally, another study demonstrated an improvement in the texture of the subjects’ skin, better skin elasticity and thickness and less wrinkles. They also showed a vast improvement in the health of their hair.

The best part of HRT and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is that reversal of wrinkles and sagging skin, strength of skin and growing, thicker hair can show fully in just six months of treatment. A doctor will test a patient and see firstly, what their deficiency is and then prescribe exactly what they need to help reverse the issues they are experiencing. These doctors will also provide medical supervision as the prescribed injectable hormones affects hair and skin in positive ways.

How Do Hormones Affect The Health Of Hair

Prescribed HGH injections for those with a bona fide deficiency have proven to increase the growth of new hair. These safe medications have also proven to be able to keep hair from falling out and prevent it from losing its color.

It is very obvious that with aging comes greying hair. This is because the hormones that are responsible for keeping hair its original color are depleting with age. Scientists have proven that injectable HGH can improve texture and color of the hair, keeping it from turning grey (or white). These hormones can also create growth of new hair.

DHT (Di- Hydro-Testosterone) works to stunt hair growth, making it lighter, thinner, brittle and causes it to fall out. As a person ages, testosterone turns into DHT by the enzyme, 5-alpha reductase. HGH injections can help to affect the production of 5-alpha-reductase and with lower levels of DHT, hair damage and loss will be lessened.

Tips On How To Naturally Improve Hair And Skin

Eat properly:

Superfoods that will help with the natural improvement of hair and skin contain anti-oxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin E, lutein, zinc and lycopene.

Anti-oxidants are extremely healthy and protect the body from premature aging, including minimizing wrinkled and sagging, haggard looking skin. Omega-3 fatty acids keep skin moisturized and supple. Lutein is good for the health of skin, hair and eyes. Zinc helps with skin cell restoration and repair and helps nails, hair and eyes to stay healthy.

Here is a small list of superfoods and the nutrients that they contain:

  • Blueberries – said to be the best for anti-oxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Tomatoes – lycopene
  • Spinach –lutein, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium and potassium
  • Walnuts – omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E
  • Wild Salmon – omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin D,
  • Oysters – zinc
  • Kiwis – vitamin C and other anti-oxidants
  • There are plenty of other superfoods one should keep in their diet, but these listed above are a great jumping off point. Changing poor eating habits into good ones may not be easy, but it is necessary if you want healthy hair and skin. Start with this list and slowly add more great foods to replace unhealthy ones.


Vibrancy of skin is directly affected by the amount of exercise a person does. In fact, anything that helps with circulation can keep your skin healthy, shared an expert out of Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

When blood flow is increased (by exercise) this helps to keep the skin cells nourished and vital. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients as well as takes away waste materials to and from all the body’s cells, including the ones in the skin.


During deep and restful slumber, all the cells and tissues in the body are restored and rejuvenated. This includes the facial cells. Sleep is imperative for a healthy looking glow, less wrinkles and a more youthful supple looking appearance.Never smoke:

Never smoke:

Smoking causes premature aging and its toxins cause damage to every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Smoking causes problems from wrinkles and leathery looking skin to death.

Hormone replacement therapy:

HRT or TRT replaces vital hormones with a legal and accurate doctor’s prescription once a deficiency is confirmed through a blood test. Through gently replacing the lost hormones that deplete due to aging, the skin (amongst many other organs) become stronger and healthier.

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