The Scientifically-Backed Benefits of Cannabis Use

By | October 17, 2017

cannabis benefits

With a collection of US states actually legalizing the recreational and medicinal uses of marijuana, and many more set to follow suit in the coming months and years, a great deal of the misinformation surrounding the plant and its effects are beginning to fade away. While, like anything else from alcohol to coffee, too much can be a bad thing, many are now coming around to the fact that a little weed, used properly and in moderation, won’t hurt you. In fact, the scientifically-backed benefits of cannabis use are increasingly coming to light, to the extent that the use of the substance is now more closely connected to images of healing those with long-standing medical conditions than the vilified image it once had. But the beneficial aspects of cannabis are varied and vast; so, for your convenience, this article has sought to compile just a few of the many benefits you can reap from indulging in a little of the green stuff from time to time, some of which might surprise you.

It Helps to Ease Anxiety

Although one of the classic weed symptoms oft-reported by stoners is an acute sense of paranoia, this should only really be experienced when indulging in higher doses of marijuana. In actual fact, the Harvard Medical School wrote in 2010 that the use of the drug could actually help decrease the effects of anxiety, especially with long-time sufferers. They noted first that medical marijuana could be effective for treating nerve pain or nausea relating to chemotherapy, and reported that this could be due to decreased anxiety levels and a better overall mood relating to the use of the drug. However, it’s important to note that it’s all about the THC content, a psychoactive substance found in cannabis. Should the drug contain a high dose of THC, or if you simply have too much, it’s much more likely to have an adverse effect on your anxiety level. However, if used appropriately and reasonably, the drug can have a sedating and calming effect.

It Helps to Reduce the Spread of Cancer

One of the other main substances found within marijuana is CBD, or Cannabidiol. This particular substance was the focus of a study at the California Pacific Medical Center in 2007, and they discovered some interesting facts regarding it. They found that cannabidiol actually served to nullify a gene called Id-1 which cancer cells would copy to help spread them throughout the body. However, when they exposed cancer cells containing high levels of Id-1 to cannabidiol, they saw that once the treatment was concluded the cells had become much less aggressive and contained less Id-1 than before. It’s no small wonder, then, that the use of marijuana both medically and recreationally will be legal in the state of California from January 2nd, 2018 onwards, through the passing of the SB 94 Bill which serves to rescind the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act.

It Helps to Control Seizures

As long ago as 2003, scientists have discovered the beneficial uses of cannabis. In a trial featuring epileptic rats, some were given genuine marijuana extract while others were given a fake substitute of the drug. The rats were then observed for an extended period of time to see if the introduction of the drug would have any effect of them, positive or negative. And the results were unprecedented indeed; the rats who had been exposed to the genuine marijuana extract expressed no signs of epilepsy for a period of ten hours. During this time, none of these rats suffered an epileptic seizure, while those that had been given the substitute emitted normal behavior patterns. It was concluded, then, that the cannabinoids within the drug managed to control the seizure activity in the rats by essentially binding the cells within the brain that cause the excitability that then leads to an epileptic attack, and promoting a relaxed state of mind instead.

It Can Assist with Glaucoma

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Glaucoma is a serious condition which can affect the optic nerve of the eye, and lead to a loss of vision and even blindness. Many hundreds suffer from this condition, and while there are effective treatments out there, many still suffer. And yet, unbelievable as it may seem, cannabis can help with this affliction, too. A study that ran as far back as 1970 showed clearly that the smoking of marijuana could help to reduce pressure inside and behind the eye. This kind of pressure can severely damage the optic nerve and lead to the development and subsequent worsening of glaucoma. They proved that the use of marijuana effectively slowed the progression of the disease and dramatically reduced the risk of blindness in those who suffered from it. While not an out-and-out cure, it is still very impressive that the drug could have such an effect.

It Eases the Effects of PTSD

This is a particularly astounding insight about the substance; similar to its effects on sufferers of anxiety, the THC within marijuana helps to calm the internal systems which lead to fear, trauma and the relived painful memories some veterans may have suffered. The drug is already approved in many states to treat this kind of affliction already, showing just how recognized it is as an effective treatment for PTSD. For many who suffer from the condition, marijuana often serves as the vital difference between constantly reliving those memories they would rather forget and living a full and enriching life in the present. PTSD sufferers often have to experience crippling night terrors and a fear of open spaces, while the available treatments for the condition are varied in terms of their documented effectiveness. However, marijuana stands as a very easy to use and access alternative to many mainstream medicinal options. It might be that a PTSD sufferer doesn’t want to travel all the way to a hospital or doctor in order to receive their treatment, and in this case, medicinal marijuana serves as a welcome alternative.



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