The Right Way to Take the Unwanted 72 or I-pill

By | October 9, 2018

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Modernization has led to the improvement in the standard of living of people around the globe. But as it is said nothing comes free of cost and hence, in order to maintain and live a good life which is full of comfort and luxuries, people have started planning for their future. The planning process includes family planning to a large extent! Nowadays people make wise decisions by engaging themselves in family planning according to their income status as well as the lifestyle they are comfortable with.

Unwanted pregnancy is a topic of great attention these days! Focusing on “unwanted pregnancy”, you should be aware of what are its causes and prevention methods.

Using protection like condoms provides safety from deadly health diseases like HIV and AIDS. Along with this they also help to avoid unwanted pregnancy. You may take the latter issue very lightly, but when the trouble falls on your shoulder, it is no less than a nightmare!

It is not hidden that almost 90% of people in the legal age group have sex. Among this percentage, only 30% is into protected sex and the rest of the population does not.

Unwanted 72 or I-pills are a great help, in case a person fears of facing unplanned pregnancy after having unprotected intercourse.

What is unwanted 72 or I-pill?

Unwanted 72 or I-pill is an emergency contraceptive tablet which is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

These medicines help in preventing pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of having unprotected intercourse.

To get the desired results, women should consume the pill within 24 hours to 72 hours after having sex. Consuming these pills after the 72 hour duration period will be of no use. Thus, be very careful with the time factor whenever a situation like this occurs.

These medicines are highly effective in avoiding pregnancy if taken in a proper way. This pill is not recommended to the girls below the age of 25 years.

How does the tablet work?

Advancement in medical sector has led to the innovation of various techniques and methods to control pregnancy. Unwanted 72 is one of the most common and easily available measures that can be used in this type of situation.

Being an emergency contraceptive pill, Unwanted 72 contains 1.5 milligram of Levonorgestrel which is a type of progestin hormone. This manufactured hormone blends in the bloodstream and blocks the hormones like LH and FSH which are responsible for maturing the egg that later gets released from the ovary for fertilization. As such, implantation does not happen. And the chance of being pregnant nullifies.

You must know that unwanted 72 cannot abort the pregnancy but it only helps to avoid pregnancy.

Why unwanted 72 is preferred?

Unwanted 72 being a contraceptive medicine has a high demand in the market.

A large population of people tends to have unprotected sex and in order to avoid pregnancy, this medicine is most effective in providing the desired results. Along with this unwanted 72 is easily available in the medical stores.

Just by knowing its effectiveness you should not adopt this method completely.

You should also know about the side effects which come along with it.

Here are some of the very common side effects faced by people after consuming the contraceptive tablet.

  • You may face swelling on your face, tongue, hands, eyelids etc.

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This is a common side effect of consuming the contraceptive tablet. Thus, if you see any sort of swelling on any of your body parts, do not panic. The swelling will go away with time. And if it does not, it is advisable that you consult your doctor.

  • People report that they face breathing problems.

Well, you need to take care of this. In very few cases it has been seen, that people are unable to breathe properly after the intake of Unwanted 72. The chances are much more if you are an asthma patient. Thus, make sure you have a right solution to tackle this situation if it occurs.

  • Severe abdominal pain can rise after consuming such pills

The level of pain totally depends upon the body structure and immunity of the person. Try to engage yourself in some work or the other so that you do not pay much attention towards any kind of ache.

  • Vomiting and nausea is the most common side effect faced by people. Therefore, be prepared beforehand!

People get a sensation of vomiting which really becomes difficult to handle. In extreme situations, it becomes difficult to sit at one place. You just feel restless and anxiety hits hard.

  • Consuming Unwanted 72 may lead to a change in the menstrual cycle.

You may face heavy bleeding or no bleeding at all. The periods may be delayed or can occur before the actual date. In case you get your periods before or on your actual date, it turns out to be a great day for you. You are not pregnant!

But in case your periods are delayed and do they do not occur at all in the same month, you need to consult a doctor. Chances are there that your pregnancy was not controlled by the pill. Although the latter case is a rare event, but you should be aware of the same.

  • A blood clot may be formed in any body part.

This is quite a dangerous thing, although a very rare side effect of having an Unwanted 72 tablet.

  • Tiredness and weakness

You tend to feel low after you have the pill. Mood swings occur quite often. This turns irritating not only for you, but also for the other person who is with you. You may have a complaint of dizziness and diarrhea as well, after having Unwanted 72.

This is not an exhaustive list of the side effects of having an Unwanted 72. There are many more that can be included in the list. You should be aware of them, so that if anything of this sort occurs, you know what to do and when to do. Even if you are fully aware of the side effects of having the pill, make sure you let other women know about the same.

You should also know that often use of Unwanted 72 pill can affect your future pregnancy. It directly affects your reproductive organs and frequent use of these medicines will surely have a huge impact at the time when you really would like to have a baby.

It may cause difficulty for the woman in conceiving the baby.

Women have become sensible and smart enough to decide what is good or bad for them. Being a mother is a beautiful feeling that every woman wants to go through, and they wait for the same from a long period of time. Hence, they should make sure that they don’t take any wrong step which may cause any trouble in the future. Any sort of risk with your own health is not a smart move!

How to take the unwanted 72 pill?

People see Unwanted 72 as an effective medicine which can be consumed every time they have unprotected sex in order to avoid pregnancy.

Easy availability of such contraceptive medicines has led to an increase in its consumption by women without knowing its long-term effects on their body.

The continuous use of these type of medicines should be avoided as much as possible. These medicines should be only taken in case of emergency and people should prefer having protected sex for the safety of both.

In order to avoid pregnancy, you must know the right way to take the contraceptive pill. Hence it is suggested to consult a doctor before having such pills.

Unwanted 72 pills should only be consumed to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Many people believe that this pill also helps in abortion which is completely wrong. Consuming this pill once you get pregnant will be of no use.

This pill is highly effective to control pregnancy only if taken in a proper manner.

That is, if consumed within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. The reason behind this; it takes around 72 hours to get a woman pregnant after having intercourse. Hence, consuming the pill after 72 hour period will not help you prevent pregnancy.

There is no point of taking chance after having unprotected sex. You must take the necessary step of consuming this pill in order to minimize the chance of pregnancy.

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