Ed Orlowski – From the Depths of Despair

By | March 25, 2004

In the not too distant past, I was among the walking dead. Physically I was a complete mess. I weighed 352 pounds, my diet was atrocious and physical exertion did not exist in my vocabulary. I was having chest pains and my breathing was labored. I went to my doctor for a physical. He was so concerned about my condition that he immediately sent me to a cardiologist. My cardiologist prescribed some tests. The first of which was a complete blood work. My cholesterol was at 280 mg/dl, the good news was that my LDL levels were fairly high, but I was still at high risk. My blood sugar was in excess of 180 an indication of adult onset diabetes. But it was not only the results of the blood test that worried this physician. My medical history is awful. My Dad had just had a triple vessel bypass not 3 weeks earlier. He also suffers from adult onset diabetes. My Mom had her first heart attack when she was 54 years old. She had another in her late 60s. She also suffers from adult onset diabetes. Her case is bad enough that she now is on kidney dialysis because of the damage caused by the diabetes. All of these things combined had my doctor quite worried.

Next he prescribed a stress test, which showed an abnormal EKG under stress. He immediately admitted me to the hospital and performed an angiogram. The angiogram proved that there were no blockages at the time for us to worry about. Whew, I dodged a bullet. But my cardiologist said that he was going to treat me as if a heart attack was imminent and hopefully we could fend off a fatal heart attack.

This news along with the fact that I was working in a high stress dead end job with a very long commute each day really had me on the ropes emotionally. I felt like there was absolutely no hope for me. If I lived, what did I have to look forward to? I didn’t want to live my life taking 14 different medications like my Mom does. I certainly did not want to continue working in a job that provided no inspiration, no hope. Everything looked very bleak. I was so distraught that I started alienating friends and family. If you didn’t agree with me then you were against me. And at this point in my life, I was disagreeable with everything that crossed my path and some that didn’t.

But I had one friend, one shining star that wouldn’t let me dull his light. He refused to dim in the darkness. Though at that point we had only spoken via the Internet, I had a great deal of respect for him. He is a highly respected for his integrity and honesty. He is also considered a guru on some of the health and fitness message boards I frequented. This friend at the time had become involved with USANA. He emailed me frequently. Sending words of encouragement and hope. Out of curiosity, I asked him about the USANA products. He was so convinced that they were the best on the market so I decided to try them. I first tried out the USANA Essentials. I hadn’t taken a vitamin in so long and my friend claimed that he and others who have taken the Essentials experienced better sleep and more energy than ever before. And boy was I in need of some energy.

I took the Essentials for a month and sure enough I felt more energetic and I was sleeping sounder. So I continued on. All the while my friend was feeding me a strict diet of inspiration and hope through his own actions and the words of Jim Rohn, John Milton-Fogg and others. I was reading and I noticed that I felt better both physically and emotionally.

Soon I was introduced to Dr. Raymond Strand and his Fat Releasing program. After researching the program and talking to whomever I could about it I realized that this was the program for me. I enrolled in the program. I was so happy. I felt like the world was lifted off of my shoulders.

Only a few nights later, I decided to become a USANA associate. The team conference calls, and the training are very helpful. I’m not the guy who would have taken to this type of business easily. But the Dream Team members are just that, The Dream Team. The team meetings are fabulous. Everyone is there to listen and to help as long as you are willing to be helped. I’ve learned many lessons during these team meetings. Some of them are a little painful, some not. But I am never afraid to bring any issue I have to the table because I know the Dream Teamers are there to help me. They are truly concerned about me and they really will help. There are never any antagonistic remarks. You never worry about be laughed at or looking foolish. These people are genuine and always respond with a great deal of respect and caring.
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As for this guy who had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, he is doing great. I’ve got a long way to go, but I am making strides. Big strides. And heading in the right direction. You may be surprised to learn that it was only December 9, 2003 since I took my first dose of Essentials, January 15, 2004 since I became a USANA associate and January 21, 2004 since I started Dr. Strands program.

Physically I’m doing great. I have not cheated nor have I even been tempted to cheat on Dr. Strands program at all. I’ve lost 2 pants sizes (about 25 pounds) and my cholesterol and blood sugar numbers are well within the normal range. As far as the USANA nutritionals are concerned, I have more energy than before and I sleep sounder than before. I’ve also noticed a couple of other improvements that I can only attribute to the USANA products. I had some very painful arthritis in my thumbs. Sometimes they are so sore and tender that I could barely touch them without searing pain. I would take 6 ibuprofen at a time and get very little relief. Suddenly about 4 weeks ago I realized that I had not taken an ibuprofen tablet in quite some time. And the pain was almost non-existent. Another benefit is that I’ve noticed that there are far fewer times that I need my reading glasses. Before USANA, I needed to use my reading glasses for almost everything.

Emotionally I feel much better. I believe that it is a combination of now having hope and determination to succeed. The Dream Team has a lot to do with this. I cannot say enough what a nurturing environment like what the Dream Team has provided will do for your mental health. If you want to keep a positive mindset, surround yourself with positive minded people. The Dream Team has plenty of them. I am so proud to be associated with this wonderful group of people.

Ed Orlowski

Visit Ed at edorlowski.usana.com

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