Simple and Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat

By | May 24, 2018

flat belly

Belly fat is not only a nuisance but also a health risk. Belly fat is associated with heart diseases as well as type two diabetes. Body mass index is used by most health professionals to check the risk of persons being affected by metabolic diseases. However, this is not always accurate. People with a lot of body fat are at a high risk even though they look thin.

Belly fat is estimated by measuring the circumference around the waist. For women, the appropriate circumference is anything below 40 inches. Anything above that is considered unhealthy.

Losing belly fat can be a daunting task. However, there are things one can do to turn this situation around.

There are several evidence-based ways to lose excess belly fat. They are analyzed below.

  1. Reduce intake of sugary foods

Sugar contains fructose, which studies have shown to have harmful effects on metabolic health. Intake of a lot of sugar overloads the liver, forcing it to turn the sugar into fat. This fat mainly accumulates in the belly and liver. This leads to insulin resistance as well as other metabolic deficiencies.

You should make a point of reducing intake of sugars in your diet and completely eliminate the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages to keep your weight in check as well as the body fat.

  1. Eating more proteins in your diet

In matters of weight loss, protein is the major macronutrient. Intake of high levels of protein increases the release of PYY hormone, which reduces cravings, boosts metabolism as well as promote fullness. Studies show that people who consume more proteins tend to have low belly fat.

You should make a point of increasing the intake of proteins in your diet, with the best protein sources being fish, dairy products, seafood as well as eggs.
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  1. Get plenty of sleep as well as avoiding stress

Sleep is a very important aspect of health. Numerous studies have shown that people who have less sleep tend to gain more weight. Lack of proper sleep may cause sleep apnea, which is a condition where people tend to gain weight, causing breathing difficulties during the night.

You should have at least 7 hours of sleep.

  1. Do aerobic exercises

One of the most effective ways of reducing belly fat, burning calories and improving health, is aerobic exercises. How often and how much you exercise is very important.

Studies show that postmenopausal women lost weight from all areas when they did aerobic exercises.

  1. Cut carbs from your diet

Reducing intake of carbs is a very efficient way of losing weight as well as body fat. It causes a reduction in appetite. It is not necessarily a must for one to follow a low-carb diet. One should just replace refined carbs with unprocessed starchy carbs. This causes a reduction in belly fat as well as improvement in metabolism.

In conclusion, you should put together meals that give the body what it requires, enabling it to lose weight as well as maintaining muscle mass.

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