The Side Effects of Using Supplements

By | August 10, 2020


It is a common perception that supplements can do wonders for your health. Though there is much awareness about its benefits, fewer of us are aware of the harmful effects of using them. Even most of the people don’t know the fact that these supplements can also get you in trouble. Sometimes, these supplements can false positive your drug test. To avoid this, some people use sub solution synthetic urine which saves them from getting into trouble.

Commonly Used Supplements:

Before you start to invest in a new batch of supplements, you must do proper research and must be aware of its benefits as well as its side effects. Moreover, it is better to consult your doctor before you start to take supplements. Here are some of the most consumed supplements:

  • Calcium Carbonate:

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Calcium is a mineral that plays a vital role in the health of bone, teeth, muscle function, heart, and much more.  Taking supplements that fulfill the deficiency of calcium may also put your health on stake.  Calcium Carbonate can cause constipation and other intestinal distress such as you may feel bloating or gas. One possible factor may be that you don’t have a deficiency of calcium in your body and you are still taking supplements. These elevated levels of calcium usually lead to constipation. So, it is better to consult a doctor before as well as make sure that your diet is rich in fiber. Increasing your water intake can also help a lot.

  • Vitamin D:

This vitamin supports a large number of essential functions in a body. Your immunity, bone health, brain performance, and most surprisingly your mood is also dependent on Vitamin D. But you might not know Vitamin D has more harmful effects than its benefits. Many people suffer from kidney stones due to long term supplementation of calcium. So, it is preferable to take proper tests and precautions to ensure that you need it.

  • Zinc:

Zinc is the mineral that amazingly supports more than 300 different enzymatic reactions in our body. It also plays a vital role in our defense system. Although zinc plays a vital role in our body but it also can be problematic some times.  Excess intake of this mineral can lead to many gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Moreover, cramps are also a result of the excess use of zinc.

  • Magnesium Citrate:

Although Magnesium is involved in hundreds of different metabolic processes that take place in our bodies. These include energy, protein synthesis, regulation of blood pressure, etc. As there are many of its benefits side by its excessive use can cause diarrhea. Additionally, it is also a culprit of many other intestinal diseases. Moreover, most of our food is highly enriched with magnesium. Spinach, bananas, almonds consist of a rich amount of Magnesium. So, it is a lot better to fulfill the magnesium level of your body by eating a proper diet instead of taking supplements.

  • Vitamin E and Omega 3s:

Both vitamin E and Omega 3s are essential for your health in many ways.

Vitamin E plays a vital role in the health of hairs, cholesterol levels, eyes, hormone balance, and much more. On the other hand, Omega also proves to act wonders in the health of the heart and brain. It also helps in the maintenance of a healthy inflammatory response in the body. But as these minerals come with several pros, it also has its cons.

One of the most harmful effects of both vitamin E and Omega 3s is the thinning of blood just as blood thinners. Taking them in excess amounts can also put your life at risk. Moreover, taking both supplements in combination can drastically increase the risk of its side effects. For the safe side, take these supplements as per your doctor’s guidance, so it may not harm you in any way.

  • Vitamin B Complex:

Vitamin B is the powerhouse of energy production, production of red blood cells, digestion, and many other important functions. However, many people also complain about anxiety, restlessness, irritation, worry, and even outright panic after using this vitamin for a while. Just like other vitamins and minerals, the same is the case with this mineral. Firstly, consult your doctor for the right amount of dosage that you should take. The second and the main point is that, try consuming this mineral with the right amount of food that consists of this mineral. So that it put you into a place where you don’t need a supplement. Eggs, cottage cheese, salmon, grass-fed beef, and feta cheese all are a good source of this crucial Vitamin.


So, to avoid any of the side effects. It is always better to read the label of the supplement that is on the packaging. Additionally, avoid using these supplements in combination with other medicines without consulting your medical expert. As this may harm you in many possible ways. The ingredients on the packaging are also a big source of help. Also, don’t delay in consulting a doctor, if you develop any of these above-given symptoms after using a supplement regularly.

Image by Elias Shariff Falla Mardini from Pixabay

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