6 Things You can Implement Today to Improve Weight Loss

By | December 10, 2013


Though the road to weight loss may be paved with good intentions, staying trim can be extremely difficult.

Society’s unrelenting fast-food advertising and our often demanding and chaotic schedules can make that road seem littered with discouraging pitfalls and land mines. But while losing weight is not always easy, it doesn’t have to be a frustrating and stressful endeavor.

The truth is reassessing your weight loss strategy and making just a few quick changes to your daily routine can help you shred those inches. Here are six things you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor:

I. Rethink your strategy!

When it comes to losing weight there’s no getting around the bottom line: you must burn more calories than you take in. Following a cookie cutter diet formula is not the answer.

Losing weight and staying fit requires a wholesale approach that must include a commitment to eating healthy and getting active.

II. Don’t skip breakfast!

Grandma wasn’t lying; breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Start your day with a fiber-rich bowl of cereal and a cup of green tea to kick-start your metabolism and get you moving.

III. Change it up!

Take a look at the areas in your life which could use some changes. For example, if you tend to kick off your day with a pastry, kick it to the curb!

Make changes to your diet over time, eating a more balanced diet, reducing portions and eating more fruits and vegetables. If you’re a homebody, get outside! Gradually increase your daily physical activity by adding in a daily walk or going for a run.
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IV. Home cooking for the win!

Eating out every now and then can be a real treat but you shouldn’t make it a habit. Fast food meals can have up to three times the amount of calories as the meals you make at home. Spending some time in your kitchen can get you a trimmer waistline and will help put the fat back where it belongs—your wallet!

V. Stop drinking your calories!

Many people don’t realize the unbelievable amount of liquid calories they consume each and every day. Calories in soda, tea, alcohol, juice and other beverages may seem invisible, but they are very real and generally end up as very solid fat cells in your belly. Orange juice, for example, may seem healthy but really you’re getting none of the fiber benefits associated with the fruit, only the calories.

In addition, over-drinking calories is particularly easy to do as most beverages have more than one serving per container. Eat an orange instead; not only does an orange have more to offer, it satisfies your hunger. Instead of consuming liquid fat cells, drink more water! Water too, will make you feel fuller, curving your hunger pangs and adding a whopping zero calories to your daily diet.

VI. Get some sleep!

Getting quality rest is crucial to your metabolism—not to mention everything else going on inside your body. Sleep literally recharges your battery; giving your body a chance to recover from the day and preparing it for the next. Not only does sleep affect your metabolism, it can even have an effect on your happiness. Most importantly, sleep deprivation puts negative stress on our bodies and reinforces unhealthy eating habits.

The most important thing to remember on your journey to a better you is that diets hardly ever result in long-term success. Losing weight and staying fit is a lifestyle choice that only you can make. Implementing these 6 tips into your day-to-day will help you duck the pitfalls of traditional diets and help you reach your weight loss goals in a breeze.

This post was written for Natural Physiques by Anne Hermann MD, P.A.. Anne is the owner at http://tampaacupuncture.org/, a Tampa Acupuncture and Weight Loss Clinic.

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